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10 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - 7th Edition Orks Codex... · 2 replies · +1 points

The fact that Truks suck?

What are we going to do, ignore our troops slot? Just aim for gretchen?

10 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - 7th edition Allies Matrix · 0 replies · +1 points

They didn't strike a deal. They're using the possitive pressure created by an obscene amount of sacrifices to keep themselves (relatively) safe(r).

10 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - 7th Edition 40K: What ... · 0 replies · +1 points

With no resort to anecdotal evidence, Magic is a product which is still waxing strong.

Theros may represent a dip, but it's one that needs to be compared on a chart with a long history - both Innistrad block and RtR block represented a burst in growth of a level that is by definition unsustainable.

If we're going to talk about Magic then we need to talk about the utter realities of keeping Casuals plus the Sirlin Set happy and the things the two companies do differently with a clear acceptance that WotC is blattantly succeeding while GW is in a state that can be debated. The numbers have been too widely published in an attempt to remind Spike of the Sirlin Set (as a representative of such it needed to be rubbed into me and mine's face to get us to accept that what was going on over at Wizards was good for the game) for there to be any doubt that one company is doing it right even if there is localized drops in interest.

So, y'know, whatever you see in the wild, the evidence that Cardboard Crack is stronger than Dungeon and Dragons is pretty much set in immutable stone now, let alone all of them other hobbies that the "nerdishness isn't just for nerds" set play.

10 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Tau Codex Review: Vespid · 0 replies · +1 points

Be right back, I need to convert my fire dragons to reflect exactly what they do to tanks.

I mean, it's also immature, but in a world where the game store sells beer I bet it'd get a cheap laugh or fifty.

10 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Tau Codex Review: Vespid · 0 replies · +1 points

But fast attack is where your cheapest access to Markerlights is. So you're paying more for your markerlights.

10 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Tau Codex Review: Vespid · 0 replies · +1 points

While I'm leery of starting a flamewar, and therefor am shying away from the dreaded "s" word, the fact that you're describing a list that you could very easily equip yourself to defeat as cancerous is telling.

That being said, suicide units need to be cheaper than what they're killing, do it well and need to have a viable target. Plus they need to not waste a slot. In an army where you've got better choices in terms of effectiveness in the long run which won't die...

Well, this is Tau. Space Commies even consider non-blue life a treasure to be cherished, don't they? I've got no problem with casuals - I wouldn't be able to play M:tG at work if I did so I found myself adapting - but from an effectiveness and fluff standpoint that sounds pretty abhorent. But hey, YMMV. And "go and die so the blue boys don't have to" could fit into your sept's personal philosphy. It makes me want to ally in some IG for a hypothetical sept, tbh.

12 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Allies - the Elephant ... · 0 replies · +1 points

You say ugly, I say beautiful. If Guard got a few more MM access-regions I'd almost just say Guard with Vulcan as the ally. Guard armies are already rocking plenty of "fire from their vehicle" melta and all thier transports have flame templates, so it'd work pretty niftily. Some sort of midrange army with hammernators to hold the midfield along with Vulc plus Straken or... something cute.

12 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Allies - the Elephant ... · 0 replies · +1 points

None whatsoever. On the other hand there was no reason a SM player would ever field an assault squad before, so now any time he wants to dip into some BA goodness get can also get scoring assault squads.

12 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Allies - the Elephant ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Unless they made it a one-way thing, or the like.

12 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Allies - the Elephant ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Why would they go ahead and do that? I mean, there's a 50% chance that that net effect just didn't occur to them and that's why it wasn't FAQed with a 25% chance that they actually wanted to give Eldar some sort of edge in the psycker department.