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9 years ago @ Crusang's Den - Update: The new websit... · 0 replies · +1 points

Haha, I get what you mean TANP!
Tho I don't have the time I had back in the day to review every single post, so I decided to merge the EPIC Tag and my Reviews in something new I call "Perv's Picks".

Basically, whenever I find something truly epic, I'll make a review post about it and categorize it as a "Perv's Pick", like I did with this post:

9 years ago @ Crusang's Den - Update: The new websit... · 0 replies · +1 points

Not sure if you've seen the site, but MEGA links are already up an running. :D

9 years ago @ Crusang's Den - Update: The new websit... · 0 replies · +1 points

You think??
Maybe I should do a separate page for characters. Something in the style of the "Choose Your Character" screen from videogames...

Thanks for the heads up by the way!

9 years ago @ Crusang's Den - Update: The new websit... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yup, many changes are back-end stuff I did to make my job far easier to handle/upgrade.
Crusang's Den is pretty old and its foundation is really NOT upd to date, but it would've been a mess to change that due to all the content there's here. It would've taken an embarassing amount of tiime, which I do not have to dedicate to any kind of hobby, really. Not to mention the SEO problems this place ran into!

So the choice was either: close crusang's den for good, or move crusang's den to a new, more user-friendly, more easily updatable in terms of code and better studied website.

Personally I'm glad I've taken the second choice!
For now the site is just in its Beta stage, tho.

I have many functionalities to implement, and many to even come up with, so in time, you'll see. ;)

9 years ago @ Crusang's Den - Update: The new websit... · 0 replies · +1 points

The latter. :)

9 years ago @ Crusang's Den - Update: The new websit... · 0 replies · +2 points


Yeah, I'm thinking about it! Will probably try it out for a while and see how it goes. :)
By the way, yeah, even if the site is called Pervify, I'm still Crusang!

9 years ago @ Crusang's Den - Update: The new websit... · 0 replies · +3 points

Hey Luzkan, sadly I decided to leave Rapidgator behind from now on.
I'm thinking of using only one filehost ( along with another mirror filehost that allows people to download at moderate speed for free, to help those who can't buy a premium accounts for some reason.

Gotta study this setup through, as I wouldn't want people to stop buying premium accounts on Also, conciling two different filehosts effectively is not easy at all, three would be kinda impossible (for me at least)!

Anyway, for those of you who've got a Rapidgator premium account, will still be around for a while so you'll still be able to download the crapload of things there are on this site!
But sadly, I think you won't see it on the new site

9 years ago @ Crusang's Den - Update: The new websit... · 1 reply · +1 points

Sorry, only gonna answer english comments.

9 years ago @ Crusang's Den - Update: The new websit... · 3 replies · +1 points

What's Mega Share?

I was thinking of using, mirrored with a free and fast download service for those who can't buy premium, but I gotta think of it reeeeeally deeply.

9 years ago @ Crusang's Den - Update: The new websit... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't plain on closing it soon actually, I think I'll remove some of its functionalities to make it lighter and less expensive to keep online, but the website itself will be here until Pervify becomes big I think.