36p28 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0
15 years ago @ Libertoad - Read the Fine Print...... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Libertarian Hotties - Frequently Asked Quest... · 0 replies · +2 points
By the way, I think your burqua is on too tight.
15 years ago @ Chicken Soup For the S... - Offensively Delicious:... · 1 reply · +2 points
15 years ago @ Libertoad - I shall call you… Mi... · 1 reply · +2 points
15 years ago @ Libertoad - Californication in the... · 1 reply · +2 points
15 years ago @ Libertoad - Get Out! · 0 replies · +1 points
They are not unlike the missionaries of centuries past who set out to save the souls of the wretched savages of the New World whether they wanted their souls saved or not. These missionaries did horrible things in order to spread their message including torture, coercion, and murder. Pol Pot, Stalin, and Mao did the same things to promote the "justice" and "fairness" of their own ideology. These three historical figures are shining examples of what socialism is really all about.
15 years ago @ Libertoad - Ivy League Losers · 0 replies · +1 points
By my scale, I would put engineering majors above business majors. The engineering programs generally have greater academic rigor than the business programs. No business major has ever had to take both multivariable calculus and differential equations as requirements to graduate. By my scale the harder degrees are the more valuable. This is not only by my scale, this is the scale of the real world outside the confines of college.
There's a reason why communications majors usually end up with lower-income jobs. That sort of degree doesn't provide the graduate with any significant marketable skills. If you check out the students who graduate with degrees in hard science or engineering, most of them are hired right out of college into lucrative career fields. That's usually not the case with liberal arts graduates. I don't think Keith Olbermann should be ridiculed for whichever branch of Cornell he attended. He should be ridiculed for having a degree in communications. With an Ivy League education like that he's almost qualified to make french fries.
15 years ago @ Libertoad - Shooting The Messenger · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Libertoad - The Universal Hypothes... · 1 reply · +2 points
15 years ago @ Libertoad - The Universal Hypothes... · 0 replies · +3 points
Remember the Obama rallies during his campaign? There were swarms of zombie-like followers chanting "Yes we can!" at the top of their lungs. You would never see anything like that at a libertarian rally. Collectivists will always be in the majority because collectivism by it's very nature builds majorities.
This is the reason that the libertarian movement cannot afford to divorce themselves from the religious right. For better or worse, the individualists need to collectivize if they want to invoke any political change. Religious clergy have a real knack for this. This is why the Christian Coalition was able to rally people to the Republican Party during the late '70s and early '80s.
As libertarians and individualists we may need to strike a Faustian bargain with certain collectivists for the sake of political change. Otherwise the impact of the freedom movement will be strictly academic.