You lost it with the video games debate, not everyone who plays video games falls from God, and I'm sure he doesn't hate it... If that were the case he'd hate everything aside from him because our everyday lives take us away from worshiping him.
They never said his Loftwing would be able to fly below the clouds, and Groose's only flew to the surface once the cloud barrier was gone from defeating Demise.
Dude... you're being a troll now by continuing this conversation further than it needs to. He apologized, he's not being a bully, in any sense of the word, he just misunderstood as I'm sure a few people did reading her comment, I even did until I read it again. Now if any more "trolling" goes on in this comment thread I'll report it and have the entire thing deleted, be civilized and accept a freakin apology... damn...
I think he's talking about the very last panel...
It's the academy, I just played that part today and he said the 25th anniversary of their fine establishment so yes, the academy.
I'm sorry... I'm not really digging this comic either... To me... it seems like it's making SS look like crap, like it's taking away from how good the actual game is...
I know, but that wasn't the issue at hand.
See now... if you want nice comments then saying things like "fat little kids" isn't going to make people say anything nice at all... Some people saying "make longer" aren't saying anything derogatory, they just want more. Of course it's not going to be RIGHT NOW but with time, they're just saying they want more, nothing more, nothing less. Don't expect respect if you can't give it out yourself.
See my previous comment, it was originally Phi, but they changed it and not all the game's versions have her name Fi, but there are some that retained the original Ph.
Depends... in America it's Fi, but other versions of the game have her name spelled out Phi, and Phi was her original name in the first place, the only difference is instead of ph it's f, but it's still the same sound.