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2 weeks ago @ Crasstalk - Comfy Weekend Open Thread · 0 replies · +10 points

Munchkin goes into 2nd grade tomorrow and #2 starts kindergarten! He was feeling nervous last week but now seems excited after we got to visit the classroom and learn that 2 friends are in his class. #3 is moving up to the next room at preschool. I am looking forward to having my house back (a bit) and tackling my miles-long list of projects. But tomorrow my plan is to do absolutely nothing. Ok, I might get the car washed because I’m pretty sure the inside has its own ecosystem now.

3 weeks ago @ Crasstalk - Good Start Open Thread · 1 reply · +11 points

I think 4 years of being in Northern VA has finally made me soft. It was 84 degrees out today and I said it felt “chilly”.

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Play On Open Thread · 1 reply · +10 points

Is #2 a HDF-in-training? He brought toys to the pool in a cardboard box originally for Duplos.

2 months ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 1 reply · +2 points

Not box meal service, but I have really been liking CookSmarts for meal planning and recipes. I found HelloFresh to be a little bland but there’s a good amount of variety in CookSmarts and I’ve liked most of the vegetarian versions of their recipes.

2 months ago @ Crasstalk - Summer Weekend Open Th... · 1 reply · +5 points

Yes, I am avoiding spiraling. I was just laughing because I just literally wanted to leave a message asking the NP to call me back when she could, and that was like not computing to the person on the phone.

2 months ago @ Crasstalk - Summer Weekend Open Th... · 3 replies · +8 points

Munchkin’s had some stuff going on so we got a blood draw yesterday. It was harrowing but we got it done. The results came in this morning and a few different things are elevated, but I haven’t gotten a call from the NP we’ve been working with. So I called and left a message just asking if she or someone could call me back to discuss the results because I can Google with the best of them but I still don’t know what this means altogether. A nurse calls me back and we go back and forth a bit because she wants me to schedule an in-person follow up visit for next week, and I’m like really? This seems like this could just be a phone call or a telehealth visit at the most. Finally she goes to talk with someone and she says “why don’t I just leave a note with your provider so they can give you a call to discuss the results?” 🙄🙄🙄 Great idea, wish I’d thought of that.

3 months ago @ Crasstalk - Easy Does It Holiday W... · 1 reply · +3 points

I’m really happy we did. I hadn’t really considered it because we go to my parents’ house in Cape Cod for most of July but last June when it was so hot out, I got very jealous of people getting off the bus from school and going right to the pool.

3 months ago @ Crasstalk - Easy Does It Holiday W... · 0 replies · +4 points

Awesome! I bet the parents and kiddos love it!

3 months ago @ Crasstalk - Easy Does It Holiday W... · 6 replies · +18 points

We joined a pool here and spent almost 10 hours there between yesterday and today. I think my kids are going to be part fish by the end of the summer and I love it so much. My younger two are determined to give me heart attacks with their antics but lucky for them they have a former lifeguard for a mom who doesn’t mess around. I should probably invest in a gallon-sized thing of sunscreen though.

3 months ago @ Crasstalk - New Start Open Thread · 8 replies · +8 points

2 notes from the weekend:

1) When did graduations become so noisy? Back in *my* day (2011), people stayed in their seats and were relatively quiet during the horribly boring ceremony. At Mr. CB’s graduation last year and my sister’s yesterday, people were talking the whole time, up and out of their seats a ton. Even the graduates on the floor were on their phones!

2) Munchkin and I flew over 1,000 miles, me with a horrible stomach bug that I’m still not over, and my sister made the effort to see us *once* for dinner on Saturday night. She was supposed to come over to the hotel on Sunday to hang out, maybe go to the pool, but we didn’t hear from her until we were on our way to the ceremony. I truly do not get her. Munchkin was so excited to see her aunt but if I had known that would be it, I could have just been sick in my own home. I don’t know if/how I should say something to her but I’m pretty peeved.