


477 comments posted · 8 followers · following 4

15 years ago @ Latino Review, The Lat... - News: Debunked: Kickin... · 0 replies · +2 points

This is why there's no such thing as news anymore. One place claims something, and the strongest that another outlet can claim against it is that they have "a super secret source" that swears it isn't true. It's sandbox, he-said-she-said, hung jury-style nonsense.

And you wonder why a story still isn't true until the trades say it is.

15 years ago @ Film School Rejects - Movies We Love: Josie ... · 2 replies · +2 points

Oh, you. Your witty antics always amuse.

15 years ago @ /Film - Early Buzz: The First ... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is something that's been bugging me recently. Is it really a spoiler? Does something like that "spoil" a movie? Back in the day, a spoiler was a key detail that ruined a movie, like certain details from Sixth Sense or who the murderer was in The Mouse Trap. Knowing that there's a song at the end of Bruno is not a spoiler. I'm pretty sure the movie will be just as funny knowing it or not.

Or am I wrong here?

15 years ago @ /Film - VOTD: Every Week on En... · 0 replies · +1 points

And yet the video skips over the fact that it's the only television show in history to have zero conflict and yet stay entertaining. Because looking at shiny things (and boobs) is always, always interesting. It will be studied in film classes and writing classes for generations to come. Mark my words.

Mark them...

Also, Seth MacFarlane has a solid bit about it in his Calvalcade of Cartoon Comedy.

15 years ago @ /Film - Which Path Will Orci, ... · 2 replies · 0 points

I have a feeling that it'll involve time travel, some sort of demon made of dark polluted air, and a landmass surrounded entirely by water.

Get it! Just like in Cloverfield!

15 years ago @ Film School Rejects - Natalie Portman Brings... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, I did. And I stand by it. Feel free to state your case as to why it's an up, though. I love hearing opinions that aren't mine.

15 years ago @ Film School Rejects - Shia LaBeouf Fuels Fan... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've been thinking a lot lately about Indiana Jones - probably because all of my friends abandoned me, and I've had some free time - but I think the key to KotCS's failure was that the last Indy we saw was an incredibly moving flick. Last Crusade was poetic, dealt with father issues, dealt with eternity, dealt with living the right way, and it was fun as hell to boot. It seems with KotCS and now the future of the franchise, they are going for pure popcorn fluff instead of a joyride with a few stops at character-development junction and deeper-meaning station.

Also, commies make terrible villains compared to Nazis. Oh, no! They have a different form of government that they use! Holy God no! Boring.

15 years ago @ Film School Rejects - DVD\'s I Bought This W... · 0 replies · +1 points

A few questions:

1. Does the Seventh Seal transfer look good? Better or worse than previous versions?
2. I'm confused - is "The Important Thing is to Love" another "Friday the 13th" installment?
3. You summered at Blood Fart Lake two years ago. How can I be sure that isn't just your vacation reel?

15 years ago @ Film School Rejects - Second \'Fame\' Traile... · 0 replies · +1 points

It "taps" into...really, Neil? Really?

15 years ago @ Film School Rejects - Trailer For \'The Cove... · 0 replies · +1 points

Soylent Green is dolphins! It's dolphins!

Happy, Fure?