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13 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - The search for appropr... · 1 reply · +1 points

Well we like to think that we do :)

13 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - The search for appropr... · 3 replies · +1 points

Not at all.  I didn't elaborate on how we actually do things now, which would lead us in to figuring out how we would handle things in the new setup.  Currently all of our grade levels meet together and "hang out" together but small groups are broken down by grades.  We also do different retreats than are "normal"  we do jr. high & sr. high evangelistic weekends and then we do "guys weekend" & "girls weekend" where the registration is open to all grade levels and we use that time to teach the guys and girls about mentoring those younger than them (along with whatever our topic is for that weekend, that year.)

13 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - The search for appropr... · 5 replies · +1 points

I wonder if the events might be better split. Maybe the high school students would be more willing to invite their friends knowing that they won't be hanging out with 6th & 7th graders.

13 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - The search for appropr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mostly it's about keeping things relevant to the ages.  We've had a history of noticing that our 6th graders are a world apart from our 8th graders and the same holds true for our 9th graders & 12th graders.  Most of the schools from which we draw students do not include 9th grade in the high school and almost all of our 6th graders are still in an elementary school.

13 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - The search for appropr... · 2 replies · +3 points

I've said for the last few years that once I develop the staff to do it I'm making the switch and moving 4th & 5th grade out of children's ministry and having three groups in the youth ministry. 4,5,6 graders, 7,8,9 graders, & 10,11,12 graders.

14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - Should vision be top-d... · 2 replies · +5 points

It's gotta be top down. As tsmith0095 state, Jesus didn't sit around and get a sense of where the disciples would want to go, Moses didn't go with the consensus vision when the got to a little problem at the Red Sea, the prophets didn't communicate their word based on what the people's "vision" was.

The communication of the vision and implementation of the vision is a whole other matter though.

14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - Do we really need more... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great thoughts Jason!

14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - "To Save A Life" movie... · 2 replies · +1 points

Tim, you should mention that the film is rated PG-13, so for a lot of us bringing most jr. highers will not go over well with parents anyway. Other than that I'd say your review is right on. I too have seen the film and I am really looking forward to bringing a bunch of sr. high students to it and engaging in conversation after.

15 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - How we used Google Wav... · 2 replies · +1 points

Great stuff TIm! I'll just add that I need a computer because rendering video on a phone could take a while :-)

15 years ago @ ChurchCrunch - CyberMonday Giveaway! ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanksgiving was great! Got to hang out with my grandmother, my brother & sister-in-law, and my parents!