I haven't been on much lately because I'm too busy getting/sharing news on Twitter and helping plan response actions and deliver blankets, hats and gloves to protestors. But, since my ability to snark has long since been extinguished on this issue, I would ask all of you please please to pay attention, and get involved. Do not let this be just another sad but forgettable moment in history.
How it is that these knuckleheads continue to hold onto power and prestige is beyond me. At least the Palin's are honest about being trash.
hopefully at the very end of the list
Wake me when faith-based companies stop covering Viagra, since it encourages sin. No seriously, wake me up, because I plan on drinking myself into a stupor.
Well GEEZ Bill if you are really so concerned with efficiency, may as well advocate air-dropping in flats of arsenic laced Colt 45.
True story: I live in a middle-class mostly white St. Louis suburb (I know I know I'm the worst) and one time not that long ago, I got an obviously fraudulent check in the mail from some company in Tennessee. Because I'm not a dumbass, I reported it to the police instead of cashing it. I could not BELIEVE it when two cops showed up the next day to interview me, and spent a good half hour in my living room politely asking questions, and even used gloves to take the check and put it in an evidence bag. I got a copy of the police report a week later. I just....I can't even.....fuck.
and felony robbery of police property
Along with the spent casings surrounding Mike Brown's body
Lord hear my prayer: may this end in a tear-gas reenactment. Amen.
You're too late - that show is already on CSPAN: GOP led House of Reps