


27 comments posted · 1 followers · following 4

14 years ago @ - Can You Teach Innovation? · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for the kind words sir. In response to your tweet about a bibliography, I do not currently have one. I use Google Reader and subscribe to all of the RSS feeds that I linked to, so searching through all them is pretty easy. I should start though, that's a great thought.

14 years ago @ - Can You Teach Innovation? · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey Andrew,

I think the people that see only in black and white are probably not very creative, so.... I think innovating would be pretty difficult for them.

Also, adaptation is pretty important I think. If you're talking about software especially, which is why I'm such a big proponent of the Agile methodology. I'm not sure if there's something similar for manufacturing, or services. That all ties back into the thought that you should be willing to say "this might work" rather than "this better work" and if it doesn't work, figuring out what went wrong and trying again.

14 years ago @ TechStars Blog - Venturing Around · 0 replies · +1 points

Congrats on the new chapter in your life Andrew, I'm sure Techstars will miss you.

14 years ago @ - Tungle.Me for Wordpress · 1 reply · +1 points

Quite welcome. You guys rock my socks off. Can I buy a t-shirt now? I've tried winning one a few times, and haven't had any luck. Though one of my friends (whom I turned on to Tungle) won one. I'm serious. I'll even send the check in Canadian dollars.

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Learning To Program · 0 replies · +1 points


As everyone else here has mentioned, GREAT IDEA. I have lots of friends that are programmers, but don't do any coding myself. I've tried several times to learn Rails, but haven't gotten anything to stick yet. I have to explain to most people that I'm like a high school Spanish student. I understand the gist of what programmers are talking about, but don't expect me to be able to speak it intelligently, and I don't have a clue how to write it.

15 years ago @ National Startup Blog - The Startup Visa bill ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm not disagreeing with you, but what do you propose to create something like what you describe from a government standpoint? I skimmed the Entrepreneur Commons site and it looks interesting. But I'm not sure that I see a way for the government to help that. They can help by getting more smart talented people a chance to do things.

If they were to start something that competed with EC, methinks there'd be loud cries about socialism or government takeovers, etc.

So what's your solution for the government?

15 years ago @ College Startup Blog - Why I Hate the Words '... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree wholeheartedly.

I also seriously dislike the new in thing where some companies (most with no solid credentials whatsoever) are offering to "certify" people as social media experts.

Here's a plan, Lee, I'm gonna certify as an official CSB Social Media Expert (TM). I'll send you a nice looking piece of paper in the mail so you can frame it and hang it on your wall. ;-)

15 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - My Steel Balls By Mark... · 2 replies · +1 points

Really love the art. I'm excited to be coming back to the frigid north for a week or so starting this Sunday. There's a lot of good art to be had in the Rocky Mountain Area.

BTW Brad - Why I love contextual advertising: when viewing this post in GR, the ad at the bottom was for Viagra, and it seriously took me a minute to figure out why. ;-)

15 years ago @ College Startup Blog - Shark Tank is Not the ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Rusel,

So sorry for the delayed response. What I mean was that the sharks were asking for too much equity in return for their investments. Meaning that they undervalued the companies. I'm working on a post about valuations that might clear that up a little more.

Basically, if one of the sharks said that s/he would invest $10,000 for 50% stake, the shark is putting a $20,000 ($10,000/50% OR $10,000x2) valuation on the company. If the entrepreneur is asking for $10,000 for a 10% stake, then s/he is valuing the company at $100,000 ($10,000/10% or $10,000x10). Typically the sharks "bully" the startups into lower valuations (mostly because they typically outnumber the entrepreneurs).

Thanks for reading!

15 years ago @ College Startup Blog - Why I Hate the Words '... · 0 replies · +1 points

I could point out multiple examples of rock stars who have no interest in training, don't practice, and the bulk of their desires and passion is for groupies, alcohol and/or drugs. Performance can be hit or miss based on the above criteria.

I'm not arguing against the qualities you describe, just saying that semantically speaking.... the words 'rockstar', 'guru', and 'great.' Aren't interchangable. If I want a Rails developer who is great, I'm going to post some of the following as criteria:
*is an active participant in the Rails community. If I ask others about him/her, they know and can attest for his/her work.
*is willing to work extra hours when necessary to get the product out the door
*brings creative problem solving to the discussion.

Or something like that. I can't say I'd ask for even similar qualities if I were hiring the lead singer for a rock band.