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9 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +3 points
9 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 2 replies · +2 points
I've done both a League of Legends Cosplay and a Smite Cosplay, that I placed first with at cosplay contest at the Smite World Championships in Atlanta. Won a nice chunk of change with that!
Let me know if you need any info on bits and pieces!
9 years ago @ Crasstalk - Monday Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points
I can't remember the exact date I started playing but probably around 4-5 years ago. I've always played with the same group of friends throughout the years and very rarely played with all strangers on my team.
The games grown an insane amount, it feels like everyones at least heard of the game and I'm always surprised by who plays it.
There are a ton more girls playing it then people realize. Sure some only play against the AI or the just for fun ARAM mode but just as many play it seriously and are really good at the game. The cosplay scene has really blown up around the characters as well. There will often be more League cosplayers at the conventions than any other games, shows or comics.
I haven't witnessed an "aging" out problem. People play the game in waves, getting really into it for a few months then taking a break for a month or two before jumping back in again. It helps the game stay fresh and can help stop you from getting angry when you're taking it to seriously.
The community is like any other online community. There are good people and there are assholes. The issue with league is that when you agree to play a game thats a 20-60 minute investment that can be messed up by one persons mistake. This leads to people losing their cool and raging much easier than other games.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask!
9 years ago @ Crasstalk - Monday Open Thread · 2 replies · +3 points
9 years ago @ Crasstalk - Monday Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points
Are you going again this year?
9 years ago @ Crasstalk - Monday Open Thread · 6 replies · +43 points
I placed 1st in the Smite World Championship Cosplay Contest
Atlanta hosted the Smite World Championships this past weekend and had a big costume contest.
This has been my project for the past month! I worked on this for a month straight while also working full time. I'm really proud of it but am also incredibly happy for it to be over.
9 years ago @ Crasstalk - Merry Christmas! Open ... · 3 replies · +27 points
Merry Late Christmas!
10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 0 replies · +3 points
This entire seasons been really off for me. Even though I really like Capaldi and Clara it just didn't feel as fun to me as it usually is.
10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 1 reply · +3 points
It looks like a really good game though!
10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Thursday Open Thread · 0 replies · +3 points
Then add a nice orange gradient word art header. Oh its near Halloween so lets just add some Chiller in as well.......