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12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Reader Making Document... · 0 replies · +2 points
In terms of travel time, my commute is virtually the same 'door-to-door' whether its Metro or bike. Time being equal, its a very obvious choice :) And I do not doubt that biking could actually save you time instead of Metroing from there.
Thanks again for your support!
12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Reader Making Document... · 0 replies · 0 points
12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Reader Making Document... · 1 reply · +3 points
12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Reader Making Document... · 0 replies · +2 points
Please click on 'See full bio' under the picture of me on the Kickstarter website and you will see even in the first paragraph I describe myself that I indeed have talked about my frustrations with the Metro and that that is what got me to make one of 'the most influential decisions' of my life.
Thank you again for your support, and I promise you that the description is accurate.
12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Reader Making Document... · 0 replies · +3 points
At any rate, thanks so much for your support, it really means a lot to me and any donation goes a long long way.
12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Reader Making Document... · 0 replies · +3 points
I have a 'weatherproof' jacket and pair of workout pants that are water and wind proof. These do an excellent job at keeping you dry from the rain, it really does the trick! There are also waterproof biking shoes, gloves, etc. but I actually haven't invested in those yet.
To be honest though, the 'weatherproof' clothes does pose a sort of problem of its own. It does such a good job of insulating you that you are bound to end up sweating a TON and probably end up pretty wet because it doesn't breath hardly at all. Where these clothes really come in handy is in the cold weather.
So in conclusion, to answer your question, if it is cold enough I will wear my weatherproof gear, but if it is raining and not very cold I usually just bite the bullet and get totally sopping wet on my bike ride in. I change clothes immediately upon arriving at work though and hand up my clothes to dry for the ride home.
12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Reader Making Document... · 0 replies · +2 points
12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Reader Making Document... · 3 replies · +3 points
12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Reader Making Document... · 0 replies · +11 points
My commute 14.1 miles and I would say no more than a mile is even on streets with cars, traffic signals etc.
I won't pretend what you're talking about isn't out there though. All of the cyclists (including myself) are lucky to have such a bike friendly community, we shouldn't betray the public by breaking traffic laws. At the same time, there are occasionally cars that don't respect cyclists rights.
In my experience cycling around 150 miles a week in and around DC for around two years the overall situation has been good though.
12 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Reader Making Document... · 7 replies · +3 points
One reason that I got so frustrated with Metro here in DC is that they don't offer an unlimited use monthly pass. Or at least as of the last time I took the Metro they didn't. I was paying over $10 a day for my round trip so it would have been worth paying quite a bit for a monthly pass, like the ones they have in NYC.