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13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 0 replies · +1 points

well said Mahboob !

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 2 replies · +3 points

Just better and better !!!
: ^)

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 1 reply · +1 points

I would like to add that nothing has changed with the "family", but much has changed within me and it is all bringing me peace and love that I desire in my life. all of humanity is my FAMILY and my good friends who are positive and supportive and filled with love are my FAMILY. The so called physical family has remained the same....most of the time I now refer to them as the "group" because they do not fit in with my idea of family, since they are not loyal, loving or supportive. So be is not my loss. I have gained so much since I accepted what I could not change. I changed myself, the only one that I can change. Its working out beautifully. Better and better ! every single day!

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 5 replies · +1 points

(2) I could not change them, no amount of love and forgiveness changed them...but I could change me and not subject myself to the use and abuse. It was a life changing decision and the best decision I ever made. The love you are giving that is backfiring on you....start giving it to yourself first. Make God/Source Energy # 1, and yourself # 2, and the rest will fall into place. Thats what I did and it worked....maybe it will work for you too. Give it a try and see what happens. Even if you just spend one day repeatedly saying "God loves me" or "I am love" that and see how it works for you. I wish you all the best and trust for your highest good and the highest outcome possible. the fact that you are participating in these lectures will bring you much progress. Be patient with yourself...things take time, but if you persist you will have the progress you desire. Peace to you !

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 6 replies · +1 points

(1)Hi Sean.......sorry you feel so frustrated but you can overcome it by paying attention to your "self talk", the things that you tell yourself. You have the power to change that. You are progressing in your own perfect way and things will change as you change your thinking. You are not second best. You are the best you can be right now and it will get better and better as you apply these Silva methods and techniques. I understand what you are feeling, I have often felt the same. Many years of giving to my "family", so much love and forgiveness all the time and it just never worked out. There was no return of love, no appreciation, they used and abused me. Finally I took a stand for myself, set boundaries and realized I wasn't doing anything wrong except for not showing myself the proper love and respect. I needed to turn away from them and give that love and respect to me. It was not a selfish was a survival move. I needed to remove the negative from my life & .follow the advise in the Serenity Prayer...change the things I could change, accept what I could not change and have the WISDOM to know the difference.

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - Mindvalley Library - S... · 0 replies · +2 points

Hi Lquest.
Nice to meet you. Glad you are caught up. I got behind a couple of times too. Its nice to be back on track, eh? Have an awesome day !

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 0 replies · +2 points

Who knows Gabia? It was really cool though and she was so happy with whatever it was. I'm not quite sure how to use it as a point of reference? didnt happen during a meditation....I woke up in the middle of the night and "saw" her. What is the new program she's working on? Thanks so much for your feedback and your encouragement. You're a doll !

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 0 replies · +1 points

Awesome Gabi....having that extra time for your Self is a really smart move. Its going to help not only you, but everyone around you. I am happy for you because I know how hard it can be to make that time for yourself. For some people that comes naturally....but for girls like us we actually have to discipline ourselves to make time for ourselves. Go figure, eh? hahahhaha
You go Goddess !!!

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 2 replies · +4 points

I just want to write this in doesnt apply to any of the topics. The other night(I think it was Thursday) I woke from sleep. It was middle of the night and I had a brief vision of Laura Silva.....she made a motion, bending her arm with the fist closed and arm pushed down.....hard to explain the was a gesture of "yes, we did it ! " a triumphant gesture of success. ok.....if you close your fist, bend your elbow and then move elbow in downward and backward motion and say YES! ..... I hope that makes it a little clearer. Now I wonder if Laura has recently had some important success in life. ??? It was really cool to see that. Ok. thats it from me for today. Peace and love to all of you.

13 years ago @ MindValley Library - MindValley Library - S... · 0 replies · +3 points

yeah MohdZikry... Laura saying that struck a chord with me too It made me realize that YES, I have been serving humanity for as long as I can remember. It just made me feel so good because you don't have to serve humanity on some big grand scale, you do it every day, even in small ways like showing kindness to a stranger or making them smile. Just being who you are every day can serve humanity. I love it. These teachings are such excellent reminders as well as eye openers. I am so grateful to be a part of this. Thank you Laura.