Is this one of those things that a woman just wants to complain and have people just listen and give sympathy, without someone trying to fix the problem or some man giving the advice to fix it? I always get that one wrong.
Ok, now this is going to sound kinda contentious and rather shitty, but please understand that I am a bit of a "handyman" and the first thing I think of is, that if it's your business and it's important, a simple set of french louvered doors can be installed in the doorway to the room you use as your office. True, you might need to scroll out the space for the hinges with a simple router to sink them into the doorway, but that is not really hard, then some quick pilot holes for the screws, and some nice decorative brass 2 way hinges can be installed. Be sure to use spacers to make thee doors level with the floor.. and voila! A private office.
So.... it never occurs to you to keep the cats out of the room while on a business skype? Just sayin'.
Right, I do remember your mom...she was funny.... kinda.
Day one?..... Eh...ehm...Ok. I didn't see anyone else...but fine. :)
I totally get this. It's the real reason we decided to go with online public school (I don't say home school any more because of what other people say about it). We were so relieved, all the phone calls stopped, all the shitty notes from teachers stopped, all the angry crap, the bullying, the absolute fear of riding the bus disappeared. It was like going off the grid. I hate other people. I choose the very best people out of the crowds of shitbags and fuckwads...and those are my people. I love my people. I hope I am one of your people Jillsmo.
On the back cover, you should have a pic of that kitten and a caption that reads, "if you don't buy this book, a kitten will get's up to you".
This brings a new meaning to cactus pants.
I am finding out the same thing... or found out the same thing and am expanding on it actually. I have focused on some very specific people who I care about...and they rest of you can go fuck yourselves (not you Jill). And I mean that in a light hearted way of course. Now, expanding on that, I recently got a new job, and am coming to the realization that I may be one of a very few actual adults in the shop. I used to be a person that took no shit. I was famous for it in the old job. But here... I just can't care. I'm not invested in any of them. One of them asked me why I let people "boss me around" as much as I do. I replied, "because they need to, more than I care". Some people need to boost themselves up falsely by tearing others down. Because they can't actually be better than anyone on their own merits. So I let them. Now... here is the funny thing. A few of the guys have caught on that I am just patronizing. And now have started laughing at these bully types as they bark at me, and I respond with some kind of submissive "yes sir, sorry sir". Because they have come to know me, and know that I could tear them a rhetorical new one without much effort, but let them live in their ignorance. So, in conclusion..... not giving a shit, can actually be fun.
Back in the old days, Johnny Carson used to do entire monologues about how much his first joke sucked. His show was dumb. Bad skits, animals who crapped on him and a drunk side kick. But he was TV's most beloved host.
You are like Carson. Only cooler. Cool-clever-dumb..