Punk has def been hitting the weight room never saw his arms look that big so I would assume he is not done with wrestling unless he really is trying to make a run in mma
Triple H is going to win the title YES YES YES YES YES
Anything can happen but its obvious at least for the time being CM Punk just wants to live his life good for him. I can understand wanting to be left alone for a while, when you are famous its almost impossible I totally get where he is at right now.
Punk has them all beat that lucky sob I wish A.J. Lee would wrap me up in her finisher
I think I figured it out the WWE wanted Punk to come back in 7 years to steal the spotlight from guys who bust it everyday seems to be their go to move.
Taker's streak the real main event of every wrestlemania
Yeah well how do you think it looked when he first started dating her? You think he was popular with Vince for doing that? Trust me that is a tough road to travel but you cannot help who you have feelings for it is what it is. If anyone thinks Triple H made it because he married Stephanie then they haven't followed his career. You got to hear the full story but Vince actually advised them to stop dating which they did until they couldn't resist it anymore. I just don't see how that did him any favors if anything it demanded more of him to play more of a role in day to day activities for the WWE. What if Stephanie and him got a divorce? I mean you have to look at things as if you were in the guy's shoes then tell him how he should feel
A lot of people get on Triple H for a lot of things but when the WWE was screwing him over for the incident at MSG he didn't take his ball and go home like CM Punk either. Triple H may not be a great wrestler but he is you're classic example of someone who never gives up. With limited ability Triple H made himself one of the most popular names in the business, he really doesn't have many skills but for some reason I always like his matches although they are basically just two guys brawling on the outside of the ring the entire time.
He should be because when he is a heel what you see is what you get its not an act, CM Punk seems to really hate meeting new people and talking about his career. I say let him just be Punk that is what he did when he cut that promo people still talk about like 6 mins of mic time because this guy says the things nobody has the guts to say.
Yeah and he don''t deserve to main event WM either which was my overall point but Punk doesn't deserve it this year either.