


18 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Wonkette - ACORN Pimp James O'Kee... · 0 replies · +13 points

Next he'll be asking for money to pay back his loans to the government-subsidized state university where he received his education.

14 years ago @ Wonkette - Keith Olbermann Fired ... · 3 replies · -16 points

Which leftist partisan hack will get the job?


14 years ago @ Wonkette - America Acts Shocked A... · 5 replies · +42 points

Examining the causes behind today's violence may make some real Americans feel uncomfortable, so let's just wrap this up with some empty platitudes and get back to speculating about Obama's birth certificate. In a way, aren't we all responsible? Or something?

Republicans love to be all about black-and-white truths, until something like this happens. Then the world becomes endless shades of grey.

14 years ago @ Wonkette - Congresswoman Gabriell... · 0 replies · +24 points

Yes, truly the perpetrators of evil here are on the left here. Fuck you, Erick Erickson you truly loathsome hack.

Next up: Glenn Beck to re-emphasize how he's just an "entertainer".

14 years ago @ Wonkette - Congresswoman Gabriell... · 0 replies · +16 points

Man, this is really sad. Her and her husband seem like very cool, very accomplished people.

14 years ago @ Wonkette - Congresswoman Gabriell... · 0 replies · +14 points

Shit, now they are saying that he killed a Federal Judge that was at the scene.

14 years ago @ Wonkette - Congresswoman Gabriell... · 1 reply · +27 points

Right now, some Fox News Executives are figuring out how to spin this into a "shooter is a liberal nut" story. But then, he if HE is a Nazi as early rumors say, than that just means he's a "National Socialist". Problem solved!

I'm also guessing that this is the first time that a female American politician has been murdered, unless someone knows of another example. But, she was Jewish so that may not count in Arizona.

14 years ago @ Wonkette - Congresswoman Gabriell... · 1 reply · +52 points

The last member of Congress to be murdered in office was Leo Ryan, killed by the mutants at Jonestown. So, that's where the national discourse is at now.

14 years ago @ Wonkette - Julian Assange Does Ro... · 0 replies · -2 points

It's probably because Assange is a megalomaniac with a martyr-complex posing as a journalist, who doesn't seem to care about the consequences of dumping hundreds of thousands of classified documents without actually examining them.

Like, say, the Afghani citizens who secretly worked with the US during the war, and are now going to be executed by the Taliban because their names were revealed in the dump and the Taliban figured out how to use computers. Whoops! His colleagues at Wikileaks thought that might have been irresponsible, but Assange didn't seem to mind because it's all about Assange at this point.

14 years ago @ Wonkette - Evil Soccer Organizati... · 0 replies · +20 points

Congratulations to the modern feudal states of Russia and Qatar for getting to host the World Cup in 2018 and 2022. May they continue to be a beacon of progress, justice, and transparency for the world.

But seriously: According to The Wikipedia, there are only 1.6 million people in Qatar, meaning that 2022 will be a hilarious role reversal where Muslims are terrified of Europeans entering their country and outnumbering them.