45p74 comments posted · 8 followers · following 1
11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Sam Kellner\'s Tangled... · 0 replies · -1 points
11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Sam Kellner\'s Tangled... · 0 replies · -1 points
11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Sam Kellner\'s Tangled... · 0 replies · -2 points
1. He offers advice how to free another Jewish alleged child molester.
2. He actively gathered more victims from Burech Mordche Lebovits, besides his own son, to come and testify despite the enormous Hasidic communal pressure against "Mesirah: Not to snitch out one of your own".
Why in the world would the Forward publish such a report? What good does it do? Does it better our Jewishness? Does it protect innocent children from further being abused? Does it do any good to society to shame and publish cut privately held secretly taped conversations of people?
The Forward hates Hasidim and they just could not resist a Shmaltsy caricature gossip hit piece against one Hasid, even if it turns out to be the victim here.
Shame on Jane Eisner for stooping so low in her Jewish self hate!
I hope The Forward Association pays big time on this reckless yellow journalism in the name of our Jewishness!
11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Forward\'s Story on Sa... · 0 replies · -1 points
1. He offers advice how to free another Jewish alleged child molester.
2. He actively gathered more victims from Burech Mordche Lebovits, besides his own son, to come and testify despite the enormous Hasidic communal pressure against "Mesirah: Not to snitch out one of your own".
Why in the world would the Forward publish such a report? What good does it do? Does it better our Jewishness? Does it protect innocent children from further being abused? Does it do any good to society to shame and publish cut privately held secretly taped conversations of people?
The Forward hates Hasidim and they just could not resist a Shmaltsy caricature gossip hit piece against one Hasid, even if it turns out to be the victim here.
Shame on Jane Eisner for stooping so low in her Jewish self hate!
I hope The Forward Association pays big time on this reckless yellow journalism in the name of our Jewishness!
11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Paul Berger\'s Respons... · 0 replies · -1 points
I want to hear from her. Why is she silent? Has she listened to the whole tapes or only cut pieces? And if she listened to all the conversations, does she also think, "this pedophile had no justice", and "the victim's father was not so wounded by his son's sexual abuse in the hands of this pedophile" as Paul Berger concludes in his report?
11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Paul Berger\'s Respons... · 2 replies · -2 points
1. He offers advice how to free another Jewish alleged child molester.
2. He actively gathered more victims from Burech Mordche Lebovits, besides his own son, to come and testify despite the enormous Hasidic communal pressure against "Mesirah: Not to snitch out one of your own".
Nobody, not even Yerachmiel Lopin & Sam Kellner's lawyer denies or debates this accusation against Kelner.
But why would the Forward publish such a report? What good does it do? Does it better our Jewishness? Does it protect innocent children from further being abused? Does it do any good to society to shame and publish cut privately held secretly taped conversations of people?
The Forward hates Hasidim and they just could not resist a Shmaltsy caricature gossip hit piece against one Hasid, even if it turns out to be the victim here.
Shame on Jane Eisner for stooping so low in her Jewish self hate!
11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Forward\'s Story on Sa... · 0 replies · -1 points
11 years ago @ Yiddish Daily Forward - ווער דאַרף ש... · 0 replies · +1 points
11 years ago @ Yiddish Daily Forward - הלכה אין סתּ... · 0 replies · +3 points
11 years ago @ Yiddish Daily Forward - הלכה אין סתּ... · 0 replies · +3 points
דער שרײַבער שרײַבט: סאַטמאַר רבֿ איז געװען מער פּאָפּולער און געדרוקט מער ביכער איבער ייִדישקײט מער װי פּראָ׳ לײבאָװיץ ז”ל... דעריבער איז אים שװער פֿאַרװאָס דער װעלט האָט מער אָנגענומען לײבאָװויִץ אײדער סאַטאַמר רב? און דער שיכור ענפֿערט נאָך זיך: אַז לײבאָװיץ איז געװען קײגן חסידות און סאַטמאַר רבֿ איז דאָך געװען אַלײנס אַ חסיד...
דער אַרטיקל איז ניט װערט קײַן רעאַקציִע, עס איז אײנפֿאַך גרױליקע חסידישע פּראָ סאַטמאַר נטורי קרתּאָ שנאת הבריות װאָס דער מחבר איז שױן ליידער פונסטער באַקאַנט, און אױב סאַנדלער זאָל דאָס װען אַרײַנלייגן אין „פּובליציסטיק” אָדער „אידיש מיט אַן אַ׳” בלאָגס װאָלט איך געשװיגען.
אָבער זינט דאָס איז אין „רוחניות” קאָלום, מוז אײנער אמת שטעלן די פֿאַקטן: סאַטמאַר רבֿ איז געװען מער אַנטי־מיסטיציסם פֿון חסידות װי פּראָ׳ לײבאָװיטש. און סאַטמאַר רב האָט ניט געשריבן קײַן אײן ראַציִיאָנאַל װאָרט אין זײַן לעבן, אַלע זײַנע ספֿרים איז אַגדתּאָ׳עס פֿון גמראָ, און זאַמעלונגען פֿון פּוסקים פֿון עקסטרעמע קנאות קײגן אידן. אַ פּשוטער אַלט־שטעטלישער זעלבסט ייִדן און ייִדישקײט האַסער, װאָס האָט באַקעמפֿט יעדעס נײַער מאָדע רעפֿאָרם און אָפּנױג פֿון זײַן פֿאַנאַטישקײט.