What part of this statement do you not understand?: "Oskar Blues was founded in Lyons in 2002, and in 2012 opened its second brewery in Brevard, NC in 2012."
So ... thugs = Black lives? Alrighty then.
If "most people know what a pit bull looks like" then why can't the personnel at LHS make and declare that distinction? The staff spend a lot of time, as it is their job, around these animals. So why wouldn't they be able to make that distinction?
What is it with this crusade to "humanize" the homeless, T-C? What's inspired this agenda with you to such an extent that you commit one of your 5 or 6 reporters to continually trot out these "compassion" pieces? You don't have the resources to take on advocacy journalism.
I popped into Lucky's to grab something right around the same time and saw the trio. For a brief moment, I considered a call to Longmont Public Safety ... but only for a moment. I've witnessed the coddling those "officers" offer the bums in town. Plain and simple - law enforcement in Longmont refuses to enforce the laws on the books with the homeless. Rather, they institute a feel good outreach program that does nothing to directly address this very real and growing problem.
"R.E.M. and Pink Floyd recently disbanded" ... recently? "U2 owes part of its remaining shred of relevance." Oh yeah, that shred of relevance - the "iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE" tour that's sold out worldwide. Please, Alex Burness, never ever write a music story again.
".. An analogy I like to use is that if a group of soccer moms were doing the exact same thing, would it be a problem? If the answer is no, it is likely not a crime" - What a smug response. Soccer moms are NOT doing this. The neighborhood pastor is NOT doing this. Educators in the community are NOT doing this. Public sector workers are NOT doing this. What ARE those folks doing? Paying taxes in their community so a bunch of layabout drunks can take over a publicly funded space to break the law ... the law you were hired to enforce, Officers Brown and Kennedy.
My wife and I walked through Roosevelt with our dogs yesterday as we used to often do (now it's far less frequently) and at 9 a.m., a transient and his friend were sitting on a bench (the only bench?) near the northeast corner smoking. Between them was a pint of whisky. Two more of these folks sat up on the little knoll on the grass just beyond them about 30 meters ... already sleeping it off or passed out. This is nonsense. Why no action by law enforcement for public consumption in a park? It is expressly prohibited by Boulder County Parks rules and regs.
Kathleen Reichert, 47, "chowing down on fried chicken, Doritos and Gatorade" money quote = "Just the things lately that have been passing, with the gay marriage ... This is a Christian country — or, at least, it used to be — and when you start changing everything, it doesn't feel very American." Stay classy, Kathleen!
Love Roosevelt Park. Hate that Law Enforcement in this town has allowed the "transient" population to corner the northeast portion of the space and turn it into Hobo Hill. All times of day, that place is crawling with drunks ... and LE doesn't do a damn thing about it. Not. A. Thing.