86p683 comments posted · 15 followers · following 0
10 years ago @ Cagle Post - Fix the Internet · 0 replies · +2 points
10 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - Can Anarcho-Capitalism... · 0 replies · +2 points
10 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - Can Anarcho-Capitalism... · 0 replies · +1 points
10 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - Can Anarcho-Capitalism... · 2 replies · +5 points
10 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - Can Anarcho-Capitalism... · 0 replies · +4 points
And the result of that "deregulation" was lower prices and better service. Almost as if that could have been predicted.
10 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - Can Anarcho-Capitalism... · 4 replies · +7 points
If you agree with what you think Mises was saying, then bravo. Have all the state you want. Subscribe to whatever law-structure you feel you want to.
Just don't force it on anyone else.
10 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - Can Anarcho-Capitalism... · 4 replies · +13 points
No one tells me where to shop, where to live, how much rent to pay, what job to perform, when to work or when to play. In every way, that which WORKS in society is that which is anarcho-capitalist in nature.
So what doesn't work? Municipal monopolies, government law enforcement, government courts, government war, government regulation, asset forfeiture, prohibition, and on, and on.
Scratch the surface of EVERY problem, and government will be there either directly causing it, prolonging the problem, or making it worse.
10 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - What A Divided Berlin ... · 1 reply · +6 points
Yet still today, the North-South split of Korea. All the same symptoms, and immense wealth squandered, not only by North Korea, but by the Empire of Washington as well, to maintain the horrible divide.
If I could back one of the Empire's "military minds" into a corner, and get a real and honest answer as to "why maintain that de-militarized zone at all?", I'm pretty sure I would not be able to understand the answer. Their reasons are just too foreign to my way of thinking.
10 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - War Making and Class C... · 1 reply · +9 points
"Chaos and strife are inherent in human existence"
That's why markets exist. Cooperation because cooperation works better than strife and chaos.
"As are continued attempts at reaching Utopia"
Exactly. Utopia, being perfected political power, total central state planning. People do keep trying to enact Utopian schemes, to the impoverishment and death of millions. Hundreds of millions.
Anarchy: It could not possibly be worse.
10 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - War Making and Class C... · 4 replies · +7 points
So, abolish political power. Problem solved.