Black Steelies

Black Steelies


128 comments posted · 100 followers · following 26

12 years ago @ Tanshanomi's Snap... - Buell M2 Cyclone · 0 replies · +1 points

A good friend has one and let me take it out. He went through it all with his dad. The frame has a textured powdercoat, they removed the rear bodywork, fabbed a seat over the frame and put on a K&N cone filter after removing the airbox. It cleans up really nicely.

It rode much better than I thought a Buell could but remember laughing the way the v-twin just shakes the shit out of you and causes the bike to shiver just idling. My friend has a garage full of Ducatis and Honda racing bikes and he won't sell his M2.

13 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - Startup: A Brief Look ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Let's call the whole thing off!

13 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - Startup: A Brief Look ... · 7 replies · +1 points

Fanboi furor? You mean fervor?

Sorry I'm a bit of a Nazi, in the grammatical sense.

13 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - Spinning Balls of Iron · 0 replies · +3 points

Though technically, positraction was in Chevys and Plymouth was Sure Grip. But that could be the LSD talking...

13 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - Spinning Balls of Iron · 1 reply · +1 points

It just does.

[youtube 1E6IfdUJn6s youtube]

13 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - Startup: Row Your Own · 0 replies · +2 points

So glad I talked my sister out of one of those silly things.

13 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - Startup: Shiny Side Up · 0 replies · +4 points

Though we can all agree, balls of depleted uranium would probably make for safer sex than enriched, weapons-grade balls.

13 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - Startup: Explain, Please! · 0 replies · +3 points

This looks entirely less fun than a cloverleaf. I once took all four in the hearse, tires screaming hilariously the entire way. Maybe this could be as fun as a cloverleaf, it would just take some creativity and impeccable timing.

Though I suppose I could just throw the four-ways on and make like it's some absurd procession.

13 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - Startup: Explain, Please! · 0 replies · +1 points

So very true about that last part. The government isn't in it to make money like a business. If they come out under budget it just means they get cuts next year. No incentive.

13 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - User Input: All The Ki... · 1 reply · +1 points

I'd like a PC tower next to replace my frail HP notebook. I've toyed with the idea of building my own, my sister did with a friend from work and I have plenty of friends/ tech school connections.

Instead, a kid on campus directed me to Essentially for what parts would cost alone they build your PC for you from your choice of options. However the gamer demographic is pretty strong here so all the cases have these unnecessary LED's and fans. I'd rather not have a light show every time I fire it up.