


72 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'X-Men: First Class' R... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are you serious? This film has like a 95% certified fresh pick by Rotten Tomatoes. That's Pixar-like numbers. The franchise started to fester, but the reviews for this film have been across-the-board surprisingly (and overwhelmingly) positive.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - HomeVideodrome: DVD Re... · 0 replies · +2 points

One aspect of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly that was superior to Once Upon a Time ...., and the other Leone films, was the performance of Eli Wallach. He made that picture what it was.
It is virtually impossible to picture anyone else successfully pulling off that role.
No role in Once Upon a Time in the West required anywhere near the same level of skill.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Good News: Superman Lo... · 0 replies · +4 points

Supes hates America makes news everywhere.
Supes back on the wagon with America - only a two websites.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - The Adventures of Glob... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Shredding every ounce of your dignity and integrity in order to make a quick buck? I don't have a problem with that."
- Pete Rose

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - The Adventures of Glob... · 0 replies · +1 points

Uuuuhhhhhhh..... Not exactly a good way to re-boot the movie franchise. Sales of print comics have been in the tank for twenty years, so that doesn't matter. In the 1940's, a monthly issue of "Superman" sold close to a million copies. Now, a hit is considered a book that sells 60,000.
Today, it's all about the other stuff, which is a good segue way. Take "Superman Returns".
Ending the mantra "Truth, Justice, and ..." with "...all that other stuff" in place of "...and the American way" sank that flick. It made 200 mill, but it staggered across the finish line. A Superman film should be closer to "Spider-Man", as opposed to "Paul Blart, Mall Cop". I won the DVD in some gift basket in a chinese auction years ago, and I still haven't watched it.
But it's not just me. If that flick was considered a success, where is the sequel? Oh yeah, it's stuck in development with another re-boot on deck. Greeaaattttttt.
This time next year, the Lone Ranger won't even be returning Superman's phone calls.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Red Eye' Sets the Dav... · 0 replies · +1 points

Someone had to be thrown from the car of the "we are our own higher superior" ranks now that Charles Manson is singing from the hymnal of global warming.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Obama's War of Choice ... · 2 replies · -6 points

The logic pattern behind most of these comments:

The anti-war left is spewing venom at the White House.
Most comments here are spewing venom at the White House.
Therefore, most of the comments posted here are from the anti-war left.

No wait, that's not right. Let's start over.
Bombing Libya, is that good or bad? Good? No, wait, it's bad? Why is it bad, now?

Must. Have. Someone. Explain. To me. What. To. Think. About. What. Is going on

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Obama's War of Choice ... · 0 replies · +9 points

You think the anti-war left is upset, how do you think the White House feels?
The President picked Pitt to make it to the Final Four.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Red Dawn' Take Two: F... · 0 replies · +6 points

Or, they could call it "Dawn of the Red"

Premise: One morning, a small mid-western town awakens to find the streets overrun with mobs of government union workers, ACORN, violent thug mercenaries, muck-rakers, and Danny Glover. The goal of the invaders is a totalitarian overthrow of the democratic society.

Come to think of it, this story can also be called "Battle: Madison, WI"

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Red Dawn' Take Two: F... · 1 reply · +3 points

Actually, this change makes a degree of sense.

China doesn't have a blue water navy.
China doesn't have any long distance military air capability.
The PLA (People's Liberation Army) couldn't get here en masse even if they wanted to.
Can't carry too many troops when all you got is two destroyers and a handful of subs.

If the producers really wanted to make some bucks, they should set the re-boot in Taiwan.
and then let China win at the end of the film.
Heck, with a name like "Red Dawn", that revision to the story should have been jumping off the page.