66p208 comments posted · 7 followers · following 0
12 years ago @ Big Government - Occupy Wall Street Now... · 0 replies · +1 points
12 years ago @ Big Government - Working Families Party... · 0 replies · +3 points
13 years ago @ Big Government - Yep. It's sad, but it seems AB has begun resorting to MMFA type accusations whenever GB comes up. I find it offensive to my sensibilities that two people on the same side of most issues have been reduced to this. Not sure it's even really the Sherrod thing that was the real problem, since GB did play the full tape on his show including the end (the NPR thing... I don't know). I'd say it's that Scott Baker works over at the Blaze now. Whatever the cause, it's petty and makes AB's thrashing look small when compared to the the other side which is just not paying attention to it. Wish the bigs wouldn't resort to this crap. It would go a long way toward credibility. I miss coming here and finding myself angry at the correct people, then motivated to do something about it.