


11 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'The Undefeated' Revie... · 9 replies · -82 points

Sarah Palin is the reason for McCain's loss.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'The Undefeated' Revie... · 7 replies · -37 points

You're right...the emails supplied are not relevant. The relevant email messages that public should be allowed to see are the 20,000 that were redacted. the 2200 that were not released due to "privacy issues" and the entire missing month of emails. Sarah remains, the most unethical politician in the history of Alaska.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'The Undefeated': New ... · 8 replies · -74 points

Palin is a phony with a very uneducated, very uninformed, very sick cult. Sarah will say or do anything if the price is right.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Why Sarah Palin Must R... · 2 replies · -22 points

No one on the left fears the quitter. You confuse fear with disgust. Liberals want Sarah to run, which would give Obama the biggest landslide in the history of America. Run, quitter, run!

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Breitbart-Palin Mob's ... · 0 replies · +26 points

It's my understanding that the lying quitter went to Israel for a photo op and to shop.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Breitbart-Palin Mob's ... · 0 replies · +24 points

The Cee of Pee is made up of approximately 15 active members who sit at their computers 24/7 creating scenarios where the lying quitter wins the presidency. Not one of them has enough intelligence to realize Sarah is not even running. Sarah is so much smarter than her very sick little cult, even she knows she doesn't have even a slim chance of getting the GOP nomination. Those 15 middle aged to senior white men at the Cee of Pee have been shunned by women all their lives and are better known as Palin panty sniffers.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Trig’s Crew: Wonkett... · 4 replies · -7 points

The only morons are those who think the lying quitter has even a remote chance of getting the GOP nomination. Her silly little, very sick cult at C4P spend their days and nights creating insane scenarios about how she's going to win......geez.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Trig’s Crew: Wonkett... · 1 reply · -19 points

Yes, children are off-limits, but the scam artist Sarah Palin is not off-limits #trigscrew #babygate @sarahpalinusa

13 years ago @ Big Government - Trig’s Crew: Wonkett... · 7 replies · -23 points

I think we all agree that attacking Trig or any other disabled child is not acceptable and will not be tolerated bo the left or right.. The problem I'm seeing is that the Palinbots see right and left support of Trigscrew as a vote for Palin. The reality is....we all hate what was done to Trig, but that does not change our mind about the lying quitter.

14 years ago @ Wonkette - Woman Who Says Todd Pa... · 0 replies · +2 points

Malia Litman, a Texas attorney who writes a Palin-focused blog did a follow-up interview with Shailey wherein she confirmed Gryphen's interview was accurate.

Nothing like having an officer of a court, even a Texas court, validate your stance.

Check the links out. The truth about many of Sarah's skeletons are coming out of many, many closets.