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15 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Leader Reiterates ... · 0 replies · +2 points

here is a bit more.
ANSA) - Rome, February 18 - Police on Wednesday were
questioning two Romanians in connection with the rape of a
14-year-old girl in a Rome park on Valentine`s Day.
Alexandru Loyos, 20, was taken into custody in Rome
after the girl identified him among a group of eight
Romanians brought to a police station from an illegal gypsy

15 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Leader Reiterates ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Just a point in Italy Romanian gypsies were driven out of many towns by indignant Italians because of the crime wave they bought with them. Indeed were we not all warned that Romanians posed the biggest threat to law and order? It is our governments that should be in the stocks for allowing it all to get this bad.

November 7, 2007
The Italian government’s targeting of Romanians, and particularly those of Roma origin,
The move comes amid a wave of police action and public violence in Italy targeting Romanians, particularly those of Roma origin. In the days following the October 30 robbery and murder of an Italian woman, Giovanna Reggiani, in Rome, authorities forcibly evacuated and bulldozed the Roma camp where the alleged murderer, a Romanian Roma man, was living. Police have conducted similar raids on Roma camps in Bologna, Florence and Genoa.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Nick Griffin Proven Ri... · 0 replies · +4 points

where Islam has put down roots nothing else can grown.
The Quran is Alla's Mein kampf:

Mein Kampf-Sets out a detailed model for world conquest, including rules for how conquered peoples are to be suppressed and dominated by the German race. States that the wealth, resources and property of subject peoples belongs to Germans by right and the right to life for subject peoples is dependent on Germans. States that non-Germans have no legal or civil rights.

The Q'uran-Sets out a detailed model for world conquest, including rules for how conquered peoples are to be suppressed and dominated by Muslims. States that the wealth, resources and property of subject peoples belongs to Muslims by right and the right to life for subject peoples is dependent onMuslims. States that non-Muslims have no legal or civil rights. (in truth, a lot of this has it's basis in the Hadith and the Sunna, but both derive essentially from what's in the Q'uran., along with all the other aspects of Sharia)

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Nick Griffin MEP Will ... · 0 replies · +6 points

I can’t understand the foaming mouth rabid dog opposition to the BNP, if they had any case against NG and the party they should be chomping at the bit to get a debate aired between them and the BNP.

Wait a minute, when NG speaks he comes across as a balanced speaker with an honest agenda of commonsense. Shit no wonder they dare not let him speak.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Paying the Price for E... · 1 reply · +5 points

Along with these Romanians will come a massive increase in crime, my friends in Italy told me that they had a massive problem with Romanian criminals committing murder and assaults, they unlike us were prepared to do something and ordinary Italians took to running them out of town.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Muslim Labour MP Who C... · 0 replies · +5 points

The Muslim Council of Britain is asking all khatibs and Imams to devote some time to this issue in their Jumuah Khutbah on 15 May. The MCB urges the projection of three simple messages:

Make sure you vote to ensure far-right racists do not get a seat in the European Parliament.

The active participation of the Muslim community is imperative to prevent Islamophobic groups like the British National Party (BNP) to gain a foothold because of low voter turnout. The BNP will be stoking up anti-Muslim hatred to win a seat. They need one million votes, and once they get in, they will join Islamophobes on continental Europe to attack Muslims and other minorities. For many years, the BNP has been targeting vulnerable Muslim communities with their abuse and misinformation in order to get public votes.

The MCB urges all people to vote in the 4th June European Parliament elections to ensure that fascist groups are comprehensively defeated at the ballot box.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Muslim Labour MP Who C... · 1 reply · +8 points

ha ha ha ho ho ho, it just gets better and better. we couldn't have paid for this kind of help.

what other great stuff is going to come out before june the 4th?
it's better than reading a best seller.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - The Disgrace Spreads: ... · 0 replies · +2 points

fantastic, great news clip of the party last night.

good luck june 4th

15 years ago @ The British National P... - 200 New Members per We... · 0 replies · +2 points

What about postal order? would that work?

15 years ago @ The British National P... - So This Is What Labour... · 4294967295 replies · +10 points

The Fire brigade where each frontline job is over subscribed with hundreds of applications for each position has employed foreign nationals that can barley speak English!