I took my boys since it was nice out but no such deal at the 711 by my house in Puyallup, oh well they still got their treat.
Not sure if you are trying to be sarcastic? To me turning your life around is staying home with his child not drinking in a bar, carrying a gun into said bar illegally and getting into an altercation where shots are fired in both directions! Maybe he was going to start that "turn around" the next day and was out at 2am getting in a shootout to celebrate? Hang out with or act like a thug and bad things happen!
I just looked at the FB profile of the kid who died and there are some with him flashing gang signs, what a shocker!
If it was "gang-related" I would bet they other shooter had a lengthy criminal past as well. They were both breaking the law by having guns in a bar!
By his not following the laws that he got paid to enforce is what is causing this to further destroy their lives! That being said I hope he is found guilty but serves no jail time and only gets community service. It is a very sad story and him going to jail will not make anything better at all. Him serving the community as an "ambassador" of sorts for gun safety would be a much better sentenceand could actually help prevent this from happening to another family.
I miss liquor stores already. The price of a buck or two either way really isn't a concern we will see where the prices eventually end up but what I miss is how quiet and peaceful the liquor stores were not kids running around going bonkers.
Wish I knew where one of these people lived so I could go there with a bat and smash out the windows on their car and when they get all pissed just tell them it was for political reasons and was a way to stick it to big corporations!
I was going to say wait with my 9mm but figured severe harm would suffice, now if there were several of them and they came in after smashing a window then all bets are off I would have to do whatever is needed to protect myself, store and livelihood.
Being a small buisness owner of a couple stores downtown Seattle, I want to go inside my store and wait with a baseball bat and if they smash our glass doors I would smash their face :) I am totally good with the peaceful protests, but those "Anarchists" and "Black Bloc" groups are pathetic cowards who can go to hell! Honestly what does damaging a car prove?