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7 years ago @ - (81) Top Ten Books I\'... · 0 replies · +1 points

I really liked Timekeeper so... *quietly shoves book at you* I totally get how you've got to be in the right mindset to read a certain book though and I have put down more than my fair share to wait for a better time to read them. But, then there's also the books that I know I'll never like and just go ahead and mark them as DNF. (And don't even get me started on the books I WISH I had DNF'd.)

7 years ago @ http://pagesofstarligh... - Quick Update · 0 replies · +4 points

Thanks so much, Vera! Yup, it's been a long wait, but I wanted to make sure I was ready and I'm so excited to get to work on making my new blog as awesome as I can.

8 years ago @ http://pagesofstarligh... - Review: Starflight by ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yup, that's the prefect way to describe this book - fun!

8 years ago @ http://pagesofstarligh... - Diversity Spotlight Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

I already love this meme! And I'm always wanting to talk more about diverse books, so this gives me the perfect chance. I'm thinking I probably won't post every week with it, either - switching between this meme and Top 5 Wednesday over at Goodreads when I like the topic. I definitely look forward to seeing what books you'll list!

8 years ago @ http://pagesofstarligh... - February Wrap-Up · 0 replies · +1 points


8 years ago @ http://pagesofstarligh... - Top Ten Least Favorite... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ooh, you have a good point there. I've read a couple books with a alpha hero and heroine and I really liked one of them. He wasn't so much a controlling, possessive jackass though, more just a bit highhanded and she definitely didn't let him walk all over her. Yeah, very seldom is the misunderstanding actually something believable - and I just can't deal with the fact that there is no reason for them to talk it out quickly and easily. (Though, I gotta admit, it is rather fun when each person thinks the misunderstanding is something different and even talking it out makes it worse. Or if there's a reason for not talking it out.)

8 years ago @ http://pagesofstarligh... - February Book Haul · 0 replies · +1 points

Glad I could help! lol (If you call that exactly HELPING.)

8 years ago @ http://pagesofstarligh... - February Book Haul · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, I already read Timekeeper as I was in the mood for a steampunk story - and will have the review up next Friday. (But as a whole, I liked it. Not without reservations, but I liked it.) I'm definitely excited to read Long May She Reign - but, I gotta admit, I'm a little worried too. Mostly worried that nothing will match my expectations.

8 years ago @ http://pagesofstarligh... - Today\'s My Birthday -... · 0 replies · +1 points

I used to love cheese too, but I can't eat it anymore. (Lactose intolerant over here.) Which, honestly, cheese was the dairy product I missed the most. Still do, but only a little.

I totally recommend Pacific Rim - to pretty much anyone that brings up movies around me, so I definitely say you need to move it towards the top of your watchlist!

8 years ago @ http://pagesofstarligh... - Top Ten Least Favorite... · 0 replies · +1 points

The worst of it is, even if you're not reading romance, there's a lot of these tropes that you can't even escape. I just get really fed up with how every book has to have romance - and usually with some of my least favorite tropes thrown in. On the love triangles, thank you. I know it wouldn't work for all of them, but it makes me feel strange that it's never even suggested or mentioned.