I will without hesitation! They will not be able to ignore us much longer because We The People are not going away!
Does anyone know the dem that wouldn't let his dog participate in this health program? That would be sooooooooooooo good!
What does OFA stand for? You know what's really scary is I don't remember any other president that had a seal and then you can see the United States with people and the pepsi logo with a what looks like a medical symbol? It's real creapy. What do the 3 stars represent?
I heard that too but you don't see it on the news?
You'll be in great company! You'll be with millions of us because we'll be there with you and I'm very sure we will all be audited. It's funny you say that because as I'm calling my representatives before I hang up I asked them how long before I can expect to be audited! The response I got back from a few was "why is everyone saying that?" Do these people that answer their phones even live on this planet or know what's going on?
They don't know who requested the other 2? Pleeeeeeeeeeease! O.K. why don't we ALL report obama for stealing from the American people? Wouldn't that be funny!
What I would like to know is that this government is so bent on passing obamacare and they are not listening to us about voting them out? Do they know something we don't? Is there ever, ever going to be another election in our country or is there a bill being put through in the darkness of night that there will not be another election? Does that make sense? They are dismissing us, they aren't listening, they just are so arrogant and positive about passing it that they are acting like they have nothing to lose? May God Bless America and All of Us.
You are so right! We are a peaceful "mob" however, if they pull that one straw...God help us!
YES and I believe that EVERY AMERICAN is a watchdog NOW! They can not and we will not let them take this great country, PERIOD! We are dividing up Czars and passing along information as soon as we get it at the speed of lightning! I am going to all senior centers and developments in my county to talk and hand out flyers and letters that they can sign and I will personally will pay for the postage. See we have no one giving us money. We rely on ourselves. What a concept! God Bless America!
You bet ya! Washington DC here WE COME! They should not dismiss us! That is only making us grow and get stronger! God Bless America and All Americans that WILL save this beautiful, great country!
Let's ROLL!