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14 years ago @ http://whatthegod.blog... - Superhero Jesus? · 0 replies · +1 points

I wonder who Stan Lee would pick for this list?

14 years ago @ http://whatthegod.blog... - Superhero Jesus? · 1 reply · +1 points

There are other obvious choices that I left out but these were the first that came to mind with some sort of relevance once I started thinking about this topic. Look for a second list to come out soon. OH, I should have ended the post with TO BE CONTINUED... (So campy... so perfect!)

14 years ago @ http://whatthegod.blog... - Why is Jesus the Only ... · 0 replies · +1 points

So does that mean that Jesus would have punched all his original followers I'm the face? Or would we have to punch Jesus to get into heaven? A kind of baptism by punching? Either way you should read thishttp://meninhats.com/d/20020809.html

14 years ago @ http://whatthegod.blog... - Do Numbers Matter to God? · 0 replies · +2 points

To quote a possibly over used analogy, "Sometimes God calms the storm and sometimes God lets the storm rage to calm His child."

14 years ago @ http://whatthegod.blog... - Did Adam and Eve Have ... · 4 replies · +1 points

First of all capitalize he when you talk about The Lord, show some respect!

Second the atheist argument holds no water on this topic. Once you're dead you don't have a choice to believe, if you didn't believe in life you're going to Hell (didn't you read my last post?!)

Third I am talking about the crux of our salvation (yes I know Jesse is snickering like a girl scout going to her first sleep over because crux sounds like crotch) but once saved you accept that Jesus is actually God, He died on the Cross to forgive our sins and He rose again on the 3rd day (thus defeating death). At no point in the Christian Doctrine for Salvation/Belief does it emphasize the importance of knowing the status of Adam and Eve's belly buttons! Asinine! (and yes Jesse, I sorta said ass!)

14 years ago @ http://whatthegod.blog... - Did Adam and Eve Have ... · 6 replies · +1 points

Why this is such a conundrum of the Christian faith is beyond me. Maybe because I wasn't raised "in the Church" it never really concerned me. I think this question really highlights humans (Christians for that matter) ability to be impatient. Once saved you know you are going to Heaven and the next how ever many years spent on this Earth are like the blink of an eye compared to the time spent in Heaven. So why do we bother ourselves with a question that will be easily answered once we die?

When I walk (I'll probably be running) through those pearly gates I am doing 2 things first (in this order)

1. Getting Jesus' autograph!
2. Looking at Adam and Eve's abs!

Why bog down our thoughts with answers that will be revealed in a very short amount of time (say, 80-100 years). I for one hope that Adam and Eve have satin ribbons hanging from their abdomens, for the only reason that Jesse and I could say, "TOLD YOU SO!"

14 years ago @ http://whatthegod.blog... - Why is Hell Eternal? · 0 replies · +1 points

Something interesting that I recently thought about after having a conversation with a friend was how important consequences are. Without consequences (good or bad) we don't have a reason to do anything (be it selfish or unselfish). The crazy thing is that even the ultimate consequence, HELL, doesn't deter us from sin.

How we deal with our salvation is a key issue that I don't think a lot of churches deal with. Churches are happier with butts in the seats than butts going to heaven. Once saved, yes it's true you no longer will be cast into the proverbial Lake of Fire unless you renounce your faith, but how do you live out your salvation knowing that Jesus saved you from eternal (I'll say it again ETERNAL) Damnation? Shouldn't your ideals, perspectives and lives change knowing that fact? Salvation isn't a "free sin" card or a "get outta hell free" card, salvation is a life change... Dying to self and being reborn (I think it says something like that in The Bible... somewhere). Knowing that how do we view Hell?

I'll leave you with this:

According to recent surveys from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public life, only 59% of Americans believe in Hell, compared with 74% who believe in Heaven (USA Today, 1 Aug. 2009). HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?! How can almost 15% of Americans believe in Heaven and not Hell?

14 years ago @ http://whatthegod.blog... - Why is the Bible So Bo... · 1 reply · +2 points

I think a good follow up article would be "Is the Bible Relevant in 'Our' Times?" Because can't God use anything to speak into our lives? I have a passion for snowboarding does that make it any less Holy because it wasn't mentioned in the Bible? Question is, is the Bible the only way for God to speak into your life or show you significance? Good point Mom :^)

14 years ago @ http://whatthegod.blog... - Why is the Bible So Bo... · 0 replies · +2 points

I would have to agree. I think the Bible would have more than 9 badass verses if we were to write it. I smell a collaboration!

14 years ago @ http://whatthegod.blog... - Why Are Women So Hard ... · 0 replies · +3 points

I applaud your article choice on your birthday... Bold, Brave and Ballsy. Happy Birthday, your gift is in the mail.