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12 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Mitt Romney Says He Go... · 1 reply · +17 points

Let me break this down for the ignorant racists:

A) Romney said that NAACP, and by association nearly all blacks are a bunch of freeloaders (meaning they're all on welfare). This is factually incorrect and racist. The vast majority of blacks are not on welfare.

B) Proud Lib Mom never stated that whites are more likely to be on welfare than blacks or Hispanics. She simply stated that more whites are on welfare than those of other races. Despite what the Republican leadership implies, welfare isn't just a bunch of lazy black people sucking on the government teet.

C) Wompcity uses a 73.4% as "white," but fails to mention that that 73.4% INCLUDES HISPANICS AS WHITES.

D) Wompcity just outright lies about taxes. The link provided only refers to "federal income tax," which is by no means "ALL TAXES," as wompcity claims. It does not include payroll taxes, state income taxes, local income taxes, property tax, sales tax, gas tax, or any of the other taxes paid by Americans. For those in the bottom 90%, these taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. I personally pay $0 in federal income taxes, but I pay $3,000 a year in property taxes, $2,000 in state and local taxes, $1,500 in payroll taxes, and hundreds more in the other types of taxes. But according to wompcity's data, none of those taxes count, and I'm merely a freeloader that pays no taxes.

E) Even if wompcity had not lied and instead said "federal income tax," it still would have been disingenuous and misleading. Although the top earners in America pay the majority of federal income taxes, they also make the vast majority of income, and control the vast majority of wealth. The effective federal tax rate paid by the top 1% has been lower over the past 3 years than it has been in the past 85 years, while their share of the overall national income is at an 85 year high.
If all the forms of taxes I listed were included, their effective tax rate would actually be lower than the vast majority of people in the middle class.

12 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Mitt Romney Says He Go... · 1 reply · +14 points

Do you not realize that saying someone "can't be racist" because they're black is in itself a racist statement?

It absolutely amazes me that people make this blatantly unapologetic racist statements. There is no gender, race, or religion that provides immunity from discrimination for its members. Some women discriminate against men, and some discriminate against other women. Some blacks discriminate against whites, some against Hispanics, and others actually discriminate against other blacks. Do you realize that there were black slave owners, and American Indian slave owners?

Please educate yourself on discrimination.

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - First Presidential Deb... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'll use a scientific analogy, because in my mind, everything goes back to basic science.

There is a basic problem of significant figures. McCain and the Republicans have oversimplified the problem, they have not used appropriate significant figures rules. Due to their oversimplification, I cannot possibly give an in depth complex analysis of their policy without myself violating the basic rules governing significant figures. Therefore, I am forced to either conclude that their policy is good or bad, because their policy IS to simply conclude something as "good" or "bad." Since they have simply equated everything Israeli as good, and everything Palestinian as bad, I conclude that this policy is bad.

I can, and have gone back to the ORIGINAL item, that has more significant figures, and analyzed it in terms that are not as simple as good or bad, but not the Republican policy.

Anyone who uses the simple "good" or "bad" analysis system of the ORIGINAL issue (the Israel/Palestine issue) is "bad," regardless of whether they are on the side of the Palestinians or the Israelis. Those that pass judgment based on a more complex analysis system must be analyzed using an equally complex analysis system, but I passed no judgment on these people at all. I only passed judgment on those who oversimplified the issue, using their exact same simplified language.

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - First Presidential Deb... · 0 replies · +1 points

I completely agree, but everyone is back over in the regular thread now. ;)

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - First Presidential Deb... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ok, I'll end it, but first I would like to post this link. It is important, because it is an opinion poll of Jewish Americans on THESE EXACT ISSUES. It was conducted by a Jewish group.

<a href="http://www.ajc.org/atf/cf/%7B42D75369-D5... " target="_blank">http://www.ajc.org/atf/cf/%7B42D75369-D582-4380-8...

I like generalizations. Generalizations are generally true. They are of course not ALWAYS true for ALL people. The problem comes in with logical fallacies. For instance: most child molesters are middle age white men, therefore most middle aged white men are child molesters. The second generalization is obviously not true. I don't believe I made one of these fallacies.

I do need to inform you that I'm a liberal elitist, so I think voting for McCain automatically makes someone an idiot. The Israel issue just adds to it in my mind.

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - First Presidential Deb... · 0 replies · +1 points

And what exactly about McCain's Israeli policy is so wonderful and deserves a vote over Obama?

His policy is: Israel=Good, Palestine=Bad. Obama and McCain both have well documented views on Israel as well as ALL OF THE MIDDLE EAST.

Read former President Carter's views on relations with Hamas and Israel. He was neither pro-Palestinian or anti-Israel; instead he believed that peace negotiations were essential. He believed that it was important to find some middle ground and improve the economic conditions of the Palestinians in order to achieve peace. He believes that peace negotiations that do not include those who are fighting (as McCain proposes) cannot possibly bring peace.

So I pose to you: how do you have peace negotiations that do not involve the people who are not peaceful? How successful can peace negotiations be if they don't include the people who are fighting? If Palestinians are still effectively locked into prison camps behind giant walls with no jobs, no food, and no water (much like the German ghettos), how can peace ever be achieved?

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - First Presidential Deb... · 0 replies · +1 points

I second that.

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - First Presidential Deb... · 0 replies · +1 points

No, I will not reconsider my generalization. Have you read the recent news on Israel? Jewish extremists are currently terrorizing any Israelis that advocated peace with the Palestinians or removing the ILLEGAL Jewish settlements. Blindly saying all Palestinians are evil and all Israelis are great IS LUDICROUS. Anyone who advocates policies based on this ideal (yes ideal, not idea) is an idiot.

The world is not separated into "good" and "evil." The truth is much more complicated than this. I will not say anything positive about anyone who phrases problems in this Neanderthal verbiage.

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - First Presidential Deb... · 1 reply · 0 points

Jews vote for the Democratic party more than blacks. Most Jews are not crazy war hungry idiots that want to kill all Muslims. Most Jews understand what it is like to be persecuted. Only the hard line idiot Jews will vote McCain, and they were going to before anyways. They're ok with anything that kills a Muslim, and this is their number 1 goal.

16 years ago @ DemConWatch - First Presidential Deb... · 0 replies · +2 points