


49 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Man who killed burglar... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have family up by Detroit and we used to joke around about the saying, don't shoot them unless you KNOW you can drag the body back inside your front door. sad situation.

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - AWOL Nort... · 0 replies · 0 points

My prayers and thoughts are going up for this young man, his friends and family. As the mom of a Marine currently in Afghanistan I can definitely empathize with this family. Some of our young men and women VOLUNTEER to defend this country because of their patriotism, others do it because they simply can not find a job and know that if they're in the military they will get 2 paychecks each month, and room and board, Whatever reason they choose to take an oath to protect this country, I THANK THEM! Zach can still see his way out of this mess, hopefully with some good military docs that can help him understand and process his feelings. I do believe what he did was wrong, but some 18 year olds are ready for this type of commitment and some are not, plain and simple. God Bless Zach, I will keep you in my prayers

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Kosciusko... · 0 replies · +1 points

Prayers being sent up from this little corner of the world. Wishing a speedy recovery. Prayers for peace, strength and guidance to the family during this time also. Please drive safely back and forth.

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Police identify man ki... · 1 reply · -1 points

There are caution yellow flashing lights for US 30 and stoplight red flashing lights for the side road. This is a HORRIBLE intersection for accidents and tragedies. Thoughts and prayers continue

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Police helicopters sea... · 1 reply · 0 points

I just LOVE how comments must be moderated and then do not show up at all even when there is NOTHING wrong with them. This is supposed to be a public forum to discuss/comment on the news article, therefore unless a comment is abusive in nature, has curse words,threatening. or is just downright going to be like yelling fire in a crowded theater, the comments should be posted within 5 minutes of the commenting person writing.

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Police helicopters sea... · 0 replies · 0 points

"He was always so quiet, I thought he was just wanting to be a loner for a while." Yep, many many times over we've heard this from family, friends and acquaintances AFTER something really tragic happens

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Police helicopters sea... · 1 reply · +1 points

kid_14 can you explain why you feel you need to capitalize EVERY first letter of EVERY word you write? That doesn' make you unique you know, reading it is acutally quite annoying.

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Police helicopters sea... · 0 replies · 0 points

didn't read a word about meds kid_14 where did you get that [THEY} gave him meds? if you are just a kid, I can understand your ignorance re: our military and their training, if not, you need to check things out before you spout.

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Police helicopters sea... · 0 replies · 0 points

ok, i will admit i have not read all the posts so if someone has already said this i apologize for the repetition. To those that are saying he's just scared, so be it, request a dishonorable discharge or a mental discharge and get out. One thing everyone needs to remember, this young man VOLUNTEERED to serve his country. he knew full well where he may end up, iraq, afghanistan, stateside, doesn't matter, the choice to join was his and he was NOT told he would be non-deployable. These types of reports are necessary, if you do NOT believe that, take a look at Ft.Hood not even a month ago. I am sorry the family and friends are going through all this, I hope this young man gets the help he needs and deserves. I thank him for volunteering to serve his country, however, it's better to find out now that he is not mentally capable of performing his duties rather than when he's in a war situation and his platoon is counting on him. God Bless this young man and his family, bring him home safely, help him get the help he so desparately needs and deserves

15 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Police identify man ki... · 0 replies · +6 points

Such a tragic accident. Prayers for everyone involved including the emergency workers. Blueswoman I know a LOT of 72 year olds that drive a WHOLE lot better than the teenagers and even 20 somethings...