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10 years ago @ Speak Out America - Speak Out America · 0 replies · -3 points

I also think I read that the Blood Moons won't happen for another 100 years.

10 years ago @ Speak Out America - Speak Out America · 0 replies · -3 points

Last summer, we barely broke 90. It was so cold, I didn't even swim. I just read this. I remember how cold it was in the 70s in the Upper Midwest. I went to school for an extra month b/c of the freezing temps and blizzards and my school was just a mile away. My H remember snow piles topping the phone lines from the plows.

The Maunder Minimum (also known as the prolonged sunspot minimum) is the name used for the period roughly spanning 1645 to 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare, as noted by solar observers of the time.

Like the Dalton Minimum and Spörer Minimum, the Maunder Minimum coincided with a period of lower-than-average global temperatures.

During one 30-year period within the Maunder Minimum, astronomers observed only about 50 sunspots, as opposed to a more typical 40,000-50,000 spots. (Source)

So much for "Gorebullsh*t Warming!!"

I'm trying to find out if we're gonna be able to see that Blood Moon here in the Mid Atlantic.

10 years ago @ Speak Out America - Speak Out America · 0 replies · -3 points

I know my hubby keeps saying all along O's looking more and more like the AC.

I think I need to correct the dates on there. The next Blood Moon is April 4th. There will be a Solar Eclipse on March 20th. In 70 AD, when where was a SE on March 20th, as you know, the Romans moved over the last temple in Jerusalem as was predicted in the Bible. http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/03/02/sign-of-j...

BTW, we burned through over two cords of wood in just the past two months. We could barely find any wood in the whole region b/c all of the sellers had sold over 300 cords in one month. I'm SO glad my H and you put this FP in otherwise, we would have been confined to one room upstairs with a space heater b/c it was SO cold. Saturday, we woke up to 18 degrees. Although, it looks like it's gonna be in the 60s for the next four days.

We are almost completely out of seasoned wood. Just in the nick of time. I'm gonna make sure I stock up again around June or July with at least 3 cords. H also goes and cuts up wood whenever someone has dropped a tree and just wants in gone on CL.

This cold damp weather made us so sick this past winter. We've had it three times since Oct. I almost ended up with pneumonia and have been in bed for two weeks. The doc couldn't get the first AB to work so she had to change it. We're finally on the mend just in time for the pollen season LOL. Everyone I've talked to has gotten this several times. It's always in the back of my head all the different diseases these illegals are bringing in.

Oh, my oldest turned 18 on Friday. She can vote ...etc. Where has the time gone???

10 years ago @ Speak Out America - Speak Out America · 4 replies · -3 points

The next Blood Moon is March 20th. Look at how fast Israel has been backed into a corner in JUST one year since the first of the Blood Moons. John Hagee is right, "something is about to change."

10 years ago @ Speak Out America - Speak Out America · 0 replies · 0 points

But...I didn't know that. That's pretty crappy that take money from a Christian nation and tell our missionaries to go take a hike. Oh well. Jesus said Israel, for the most part will reject him until the 144K are sealed during Revelation.

10 years ago @ Speak Out America - Speak Out America · 3 replies · 0 points

He has an STD. What kind of wimp goes to the hospital for a sore throat anyway?

10 years ago @ Speak Out America - Speak Out America · 2 replies · +1 points

Half the Senate Dems who voted for Obamacare are GONE.

She was paid of 150,000,000 for her yes vote for Obamadoesn'tcare. Remember that? We called it the LA Purchase.

She should have her pension and health care taken away too.

10 years ago @ Speak Out America - Speak Out America · 0 replies · 0 points

I was just in a bad mood for a few days. I'm better today.

Hubby is going to try and get his CDL even if he has to do OTR for a while. One of my student's father was out of a job for three months and that's what he did. Then he was able to get a day trucking job locally.

10 years ago @ Speak Out America - Speak Out America · 3 replies · 0 points

10 years ago @ Speak Out America - Speak Out America · 2 replies · +1 points

Obama is going to sanction Israel for the West Bank Construction.

And God is going to curse this country even more.