145p2,474 comments posted · 3 followers · following 2
9 years ago @ Malay Mail - Customs Department sin... · 1 reply · +1 points
If almost all the necessities are to be more expensive by six percent onwards, why should we not be complaining? And how is the government being sensitive and kind to the people?
Everywhere you go from the convenience stores to the rwgular shops and pharmacies, all of them have told us to be prepared to to pay more for our groceries and provisions.
Question is why is the government doing away with the sales tax ( which is taxing the manufacturers and hence the haves ) and imposing the GST which affects the poor and haves-not? Now a household that spends rm1000 per month on provisions/groceries/services per month has yo fork out an extra rm60/mth, which makes it rm720 a year! The poor family is now poorer by rm720/yr, which otherwise could have gone into their children's needs and education.The poor is definitely getting poorer. Is this the way to tax the poor?
11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Nash... · 0 replies · +166 points
12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Opinion - Miche... · 0 replies · +5 points
Let's keep a vigil over it.
12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Rencana - Apa d... · 0 replies · +13 points
Kalau UMNO itu bersih putih belaka, tidak akan jadi kontroversi dan isu. Kami semua akan terimanya dengan hati yang terbuka tanpa was-was.
Oleh kerana ada persoalan dan manifestasi yang dibawa UMNO sendiri, tandatanya mengenai acuan UMNO pun timbul. Isu-isu tidak timbul begitu sahaja, ia sudah menjadi buah mulut dan persepsi berdekad-dekad. Begitu mendalamnya kesangsian orang ramai terhadap UMNO. Kalau tak ada api, tak akan ada asap. Renungilah...
12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Side Views - Mu... · 0 replies · +14 points
Push yourself closer to the centre of power, get noticed, do some loud public relations, practise sycophancy, build a support base to show some numbers, get tough, play politics quoting some state and federal constitutional provisions, persist, and bingo again, you may land on some projects and contracts.
Once in, demand more and more, and you are on the way to power, position and riches! That's the UMNO bandwagon...jump in!
UMNO people ( the "leaders" ) are known to be proud, arrogant, powerful ( read : bully ), rich ( do you smell corruption? ), demanding, unreasonable, recalcitrant, abusive, manipulative, greedy, unprincipled, conceited, lacking in credibility and integrity, etc., etc.
The people are sick of such posturing and positioning. Their insufferable attitudes are most abhorrent and disgusting, to say the least. There is just too much of UMNO being bandied about. We have had enough.
12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Mobile - Malaysia - Pa... · 0 replies · +248 points
We want our meters checked by an independent party which has no interests in TNB and the government. Anything lesser is not an option.
Many households have been complaining about hike in electricity bills after the conversion to the digital meters. The analogue meter supplier should come in to verify if their meters under-read electricity usage. If TNB claims the digital meters are accurate, it could only mean the analogue ones are not.
We, the consumers, want an unequivocal answer.
12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Mobile - Malaysia - Dr... · 0 replies · +13 points
12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Tunk... · 0 replies · +63 points
Even if he tries to proffer his views, they would be taken with a pinch of salt, or treated as pure garbage fit for the dumps. That's Tunku's worth among observers.
Stop soiling the opinion media, for goodness sake.
12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Mobile - Malaysia - DA... · 0 replies · +75 points
Hasan Ali and Ibrahim Ali have lots in common. Being empty vessel is one of them. All noise and no substance. Stop spewing garbage lah. Cannot tahan any more. Wonder he knows what he is mumbling about?
12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Rencana - Pantu... · 0 replies · +1 points
Jika tukar agama tu jadi ukur,
Tapi agama itu antara Tuhan dengan mu,
Jangan main-main isu salahkan Cik Nurul.
Melayu, Cina, India, apa jua pun,
Asal jujur, berbudi, bersih, tekun,
Jika buat salah boleh diampun,
Selagi pinta maaf jangan berlakun.