At least someone around here is building a greenway!
Watch out, Chris, you're gonna get on the wingnuts' defame-at-all-costs list. The lack of personal insights here is astonishing. JanetDennis, who is a dyed in the wool right wingnut liked the column. CountyResident thinks Its_a_Gas is an extreme liberal! If he ony knew. :) Some more thoughtful people might think Van Jones resignation to be a sign that, rather than being defended as an icon, even liberals found him unacceptable. It's awfully hard to tar an entire group of people with one bad apple even they didn't tolerate, but wingnuts are desparate. Not to mention perpetually A-N-G-R-Y!!!!!!!!!!
Don't hear any of the property rights alliance objecting to what would be a real takeover of real property. Guess you only object to property takeovers which occur only in your own imaginations.
Noop, and I personally think the Piedmont Players stink! Waterworks, excellent, although I liked it better before they threw away so many old Rowan artists. Railwalk, good. Haven't been to Looking Glass. Why, does it matter?
Noop. Good post by Teddy Roosevelt, though.
Since it hasn't even been discussed, no way to know whether funding would come from the county, private aector, or wherever. But be sure to always assume the worst.
Watching the commission meeting on the web. Surprisingly, the Thread Trail resolution was not defeated unanimously, it was defeated 3 - 2. Jessie must have nodded off.
You have to have a program to tell the players. Same handful of property rights extremists show up again and again. A look at the current Planning Board, and 3 if not 4 names jump out as prominent property rights extremists: Larry Wright has a legitimate issue with forced annexation, but he also seems to be adding on the entire extreme agenda; Jack Fisher, who knows nothing about anything but has an opinion on everything; Rod Whedbee, co-chairman of the property rights alliance; and Steve Poteat, who as a member of the land use committee, opposed most of the recommendations. Jeff Morris, also having opposed meaningful land use planning and farmland preservation, has moved on to chair the ZBA, where Jack Fisher is also an alternate. Get used to 4 hour meetings - Morris likes to hear the sound of his own voice.
So, exactly who besides Wagstaff, Morris, McGuire, Fisher, Whedbee, and I forgot Roger Lambe, have you seen speaking at county commission meeting after county commission meeting? That's no conspiracy theory, it's a matter of public record, and it's as obvious as the nose on your face.
If you'll read my first post, I predicted that THIS county commission would pass it without a second's thought to the benefits it could bring. What I'm wating for is for you idiots to wake up and realize a lot of things are coming you aren't going to like. The only question is, are we, the citizens of the county working together, going to control it, or is it going to control us? All your petty "property rights" complaints support the latter. We'll have no farmland left, no open spaces, no wooded trails to walk down, no historic places to distinguish our county from any other, it'll be far worse than Charlotte! All the crowdedness, none of the amenities that make it bearable.