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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 8 replies · +7 points

I am a conservative teacher in California. Fortunately I live and teach in the foothills (about 40 miles east of Sacramento) so many of my colleagues feel the way I do about what our state and our country are doing and have done for the last too many years. I am outraged by this "special election" that will take place on Tuesday 5/19 and I am sickened by our legislators' actions. Their failure to pass a budget on time (it was extremely flawed and came seven months late), generation of the plan to borrow more money and increase taxes (notice how they are putting it on the shoulders of the taxpayers to vote for increases so that they can say it's our fault that CA is in this economic crisis when the propositions FAIL on Tuesday), furloughing state employees without taking any cuts themselves or to their departments (speaker of the state assembly Karen Bass gave her aide a huge raise--she now makes $190K a year AS AN AIDE), and taking more of my money to subsidize people who don't work (I recently saw an ad on TV for state-subsidized auto insurance the other day) makes me SICK to be a Californian. (I felt so embarrassed as I watched Glenn's program on "the Civilest War" because of my state's actions. I can only imagine what my countrymen and women think of my state and of the possibility of them having to help bail it out if the bill passes.)

I have never been a political activist, but I am now! Every morning before work I put a huge sign in the windshield of my car that reads: "This teacher is voting NO on props 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, and 1E and voting YES on prop 1F. Enough is enough!" I am ready to stand on the lawn of our capitol building demanding that our state legislature listen to its people and take responsibility for their appalling actions. It's time to take our state and country back! It's time to hold our leaders accountable! It's time for the 912 project! May God bless America. May He help her citizens regain control of their government and always remember what our forefathers fought and died to institute and what many men and women have fought and died to protect.

Thanks for listening and thanks to Glenn and everyone who organized the 912 project.