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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 8 replies · +3 points

I am new to this stuff but I have a lot on my mind. I've never been the type to get out and pound the pavement like ACORN does, but recent changes in the very fabric of my country have me absolutely terrified. I wonder how long this president can continue to pull at the loose strings before it runs out and there is no country left. I feel as if we've been rolling slowly down the hill of socialism for a few years already. Now that Comrade Obama is in the drivers seat, he's got his lead foot pushing the pedal to the floor while Pelosi and the Dems cut the brake line. Guys.........guess what? We're gonna crash.......hard. How do we stop this horrible tragedy? I feel powerless. I live in California. I vote, but it doesn't do me any good. Even if I got the person whom I voted for (which I actually did....twice in 8 years) they still all behave like one party, not two. I used to be liberal....ok that was when I was a stupid teenager who thought I knew everything. Then I woke up and realized I was conservative at heart. I am and will always be a true conservative and a protector of the Constitution, but there are only a handful of politicians out there that I feel truly represent that. What happened to the conservative Republicans? Where are they. Those guys in there right now ought to be ashamed. They have absolutely NO backbone, NO scruples whatsoever!!!!
They need to stop trying to be friends with the Dems, stop trying to appease them. They aren't your friends and thay never will be, nor do they even want to be. They spit in your eye every time you reach out to them. Just cut the crap already, grow some cahones and for once......just once stand up to them. FIGHT them like they fight you. Republicans have chance to do this in the near future with the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor. This woman is a racist. Yeah, I said it. Nobody else would EVER get away with a comment like that. Any white man who made a comment like that would be done.....period! This woman is not suited to be one of the nine most powerful people in the country. Republicans need to take a stand against her and not be afraid of losing a latino vote because they stood on their principles. If they did this they would gain far more votes than they would lose. Another person who the Republicans need to take a stand against is Nancy Pelosi. She has the stomach to accuse the CIA of lying to congress, but when asked to show proof or apologize, says nothing? Are you kidding me? John Boehner is the only one with the cahones to call her out on this. All he is asking for is proof, or an apology. I want her out!!
Dems are always calling for Republicans to step down, well she needs to either show the proof or get the hell out.
Time to take a stand guys, its now or never.