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9 years ago @ Birther Report - Extra: Obama Ineligibi... · 0 replies · +6 points
Rick Santorum was Born a Dual-Citizen and Does Not Have Sole Allegiance at Birth to the USA and thus is Not a Natural Born Citizen to Constitutional Standards. His Father Aldo was an Italian Citizen when Rick Was Born and Only perfected his naturalization and citizenship to the U.S. in 1961 3 yrs after Rick was born in 1958. Rick Thus Inherited His Father’s Italian Citizenship from His Father When Rick was Born. Aldo Did Not Renounce His Italian Citizenship Until 1961. FOIA Response Re Aldo Santorum
9 years ago @ Birther Report - Extra: Obama Ineligibi... · 4 replies · +15 points
Rick Santorum NOT a Natural Born Citizen either.
Yes, he was born in the U.S., but his Italian born father was not naturalized at the time of Rick's birth.
9 years ago @ Birther Report - Cover-Ups: Colonel Law... · 0 replies · +4 points
9 years ago @ Birther Report - Holy Obama: President ... · 0 replies · +5 points
9 years ago @ Birther Report - Breitbart Bombshell: W... · 0 replies · +3 points
9 years ago @ Birther Report - Breitbart Bombshell: W... · 0 replies · +11 points
Andrew was a true journalist and left a huge void after he was murdered. He was the one person who constantly kept MSM in check.
I hate what his employees have done to his work and brand. They are cowards. Instead of continuing Andrew's work to expose Obama, they avoid the subject and run the other way.
They have dishonored Andrew's legacy in ways he would despise. Someday, they will have to answer for that and I wonder what they will say?
Followup: Just found this article on Breitbart.
Bombshell: Washington Post Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart http://bit.ly/1QEZCPN
Yet, another perfect opportunity for Breitbart editors to release what Andrew had found. Instead, they, like the rest of MSM, are pointing fingers as to whom started the "birther" movement.
Skirting the heart of the truth as always. Despicably disingenuous to Andrew. He was murdered for what he knew and his own staff is complicit in the coverup.
9 years ago @ Birther Report - Breitbart Bombshell: W... · 2 replies · +23 points
Whatever Boehner's reasons for resigning be it forced or a sudden moment of finding his moral compass when meeting the Pope, he was a linchpin to the coverups. With him leaving, with Trump surging, with thousands more awakening every day....the house of cards will crumble. These people are fueled by their egos and love of money. They are also vicious (and murderous) when anyone in their circle "attacks" them. That alone should move things along faster.
We will have Justice and I don't think it will take much longer.
As Jeff would say, "Pray".
9 years ago @ Birther Report - Must See TV: Black Ame... · 0 replies · +25 points
Everyone who supports Trump knows he doesn't apologize unless he's wrong and, instead, doubles down every time the media tries to bully him.
Which, of course, has made him jump in the polls each time.
It's beyond baffling why the media continues to do this as it only helps Trump. They are even dumber than I thought.
Anyway, this feigned anger by MSM is going to backfire in their face again and in a BIGGER way because NOW they are providing the perfect pathway for Trump, Sheriff Joe & Lt Zullo (and whomever else promised to help) to release the dam of information they compiled with BOTH investigations.
MSM keeps harping on him to apologize and it is forcing the issue of Barry's fraudulent background. I would think they would try to shut it down like they have the past 7 years, but they are egging it on!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 years ago @ Birther Report - Full Hannity Interview... · 1 reply · +4 points
9 years ago @ Birther Report - Listen Live: Lt. Col. ... · 0 replies · +4 points