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12 years ago @ Big Journalism - Do Keith Olbermann and... · 13 replies · +5 points

I did not say that democratic socialism was totalitarian communism.

I said that redefining morality in political terms has a corrosive effect that is predictable.

And just because you can't read any better than a 6th grader, is no reason to accuse others of dishonesty. Repeat after me: "I don't understand. Will you explain?"

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - Do Keith Olbermann and... · 0 replies · +5 points

We saw this in full bloom back in the 1990s, when the entire political left spun up into full-throttle denial in order to protect a sociopath, womanizer, serial liar, perjurer, and rapist who just happened to be President. They also excused clearly criminal fund-raising efforts, not to mention the sale of national security secrets to foreign governments in exchange for campaign contributions. For most people the implications are too shocking to assimilate, but the lesson is clear to those who have the stomach to accept it: for Democrats, no moral law applies. There exists no moral rule, no matter how vital, the violation of which Democrats will not excuse while protecting their own. They are truly, utterly, and completely amoral.

Why we are continuing to participate in a representative democracy with such vicious jackals is beyond me. Nothing good can come of it. We should partition the nation and let them have their own; the speed with which the "Progressive" nation would devolve into a Western version of Somalia would prove some things pretty clearly. (Inevitably, they would blame the conservatives in their own nation for their demise. When dealing with amoral humans, some things are predictable.)

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - Do Keith Olbermann and... · 15 replies · +3 points

"That's akin to me saying the Tea Party advocates Somali-style anarchy due to their distrust of government and desire for low taxation."

No, it's not. Small government and low taxation are not anarchy. By contrast, redefining core moral concepts like "justice" in political terms is a feature that #Occupy protesters and their ideological bedfellows in tyrannical regimes hold in common.

In fact, that's a core feature of American Progressivism, for which reason I have always expected Progressives to advocate the equivalent of Marxist dictatorship in effect -- and I have been correct about this.

I abhor Alinsky tactics, and if you accuse me to my face of using them, I will have to restrain my impulse to break your nose. I will restrain it, though, because unlike the #Occupy creeps, I define morality in behavioral terms -- like the rest of Western civilization.

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - Do Keith Olbermann and... · 0 replies · +9 points

What we're seeing is the character of the movement. People who embrace this ideology define virtue entirely in political terms. That means that they put all their effort at being "good" human beings into defending the correct political positions -- and none into actually reforming their own character.

The result is that when they get together as a group, they tout their political memes powerfully, but behave consistent with the very worst in humanity. They do so while lecturing the rest of us regarding how we should be more moral -- meaning how we should agree with their politics, though they use the sanctimonious language of morality.

When we point to the rampant lawlessness in the #Occupy camps, we are pointing to the evidence that their morality is a sham, and that their ideology produces the worst in humanity. When we point to the ruin of totalitarian regimes like North Korea, we are pointing to the same.

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - Do Keith Olbermann and... · 17 replies · +3 points

"I don't think it's fair to compare the 'occupy' zones with totalitarian regimes,"

It's fair because the ideology is the same, and the results are the same.

If what we were seeing at #Occupy events were the normal distribution of human behaviors that we would see with any similarly sized group, I think few people would comment about it.

What we're seeing, though, is the character of the movement. People who embrace this ideology define virtue entirely in political terms. That means that they put all their effort at being "good" human beings into defending the correct political positions -- and none into actually reforming their own character. The result is that when they get together as a group, they tout their political memes powerfully, but behave consistent with the very worst in humanity. They do so while lecturing the rest of us regarding how we should be more moral -- meaning how we should agree with their politics, though they use the sanctimonious language of morality.

When we point to the rampant lawlessness in the #Occupy camps, we are pointing to the evidence that their morality is a sham, and that their ideology produces the worst in humanity. When we point to the ruin of totalitarian regimes like North Korea, we are pointing to the same.

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Obama preaches Jesus w... · 0 replies · +6 points

The Democratic party thinks we're idiots. In 2004, John Kerry lost the Presidential election because a large percentage of voters identified the Democratic party as "anti-religious." Ever since then, Democratic candidates have been quick to (mis)quote the scriptures in support of their policies.

They're the same policies they supported back when they were openly anti-religious. In fact, they're still openly anti-religious whenever the subject comes up. They've just pasted supercilious verse-hacking over those policies. And they think it will sway Evangelical voters to imagine that they're biblical.

Sadly, it DOES fool some. Sadly, assuming that some percentage of the American voting public is stupid is a bet that will always net you some profit. But that does not make the exercise any less cynical, nor any less dishonest.

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Obama preaches Jesus w... · 0 replies · +5 points

Massive government attempting to construct Utopia by fiat recalls Babel. Despite his honeyed words, Obama represents the spirit of rebellion that says "Let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name." (Gen 11:4) The nations rage and raise themselves against God's Anointed. He who sits in the heavens laughs.

13 years ago @ NewsReal Blog - Muslims Burned 69 Chur... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Left does not merely tolerate violence when the right people are doing it, although that is true. The Left declares violence just when it is committed against Christians. They will not admit this until confronted, but when confronted will be candid about it, because they believe it makes perfect sense; Christianity persecuted the entire world through the evils of the West, you see, so persecution against Christians is completely justified.

The modern, Progressive movement touts tolerance and multiculturalism, but those are just fancy words masking Anti-Christianity. The unspoken moral criterion for all Progressives that lies at the root of all Progressive moral choices is that if a thing comes from Christianity, it is evil, but if a thing does not come from Christianity, it is good. Modern Progressivism is simply reflexive Anti-Christianity.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Media Matter's Decepti... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is a woefully ineffective rebuttal. The only relevant fact is the one you relegate to Part II, the actual statements made by Bill Sammon. But where, oh where, is Part II? As far as I can tell, it does not exist.

Are you INSANE??? Do you really think you can get away with posting Part I with a reference to Part II, and NOT post Part II? Who is going to bookmark the page and come back 3 days later to see if you've posted Part II? Won't they just dismiss the whole thing?

Do NOT -- EVER -- post Part I with a reference to Part II, and fail to post Part II at the same time. At least, don't ever do that if you want people to pay attention. If you want to be ignored, you're doing fine.

13 years ago @ Vision to America - Fox News Turned Off At... · 0 replies · +2 points

It is absolutely the owner's right to choose what will and will not be on the TVs in his gym. This is the freedom of expression that Progressives oppose in so many venues.

It is absolutely the customer's right to choose another gym in which to exercise, and to communicate the reason in plain terms to the owner.