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14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Flow by Mihaly Csiksze... · 0 replies · 0 points

Flow is opposite of psychic entropy, attaining it develops stronger, confident self

Contents of consciousness leads to either Happiness/Misery; emotions independent of outside events

Cultural meanings change; Rituals from traditions cannot institutionalize control of consciousness. It's up to you

Actual Doing & Practice > Theoretical Knowing

Consciousness Control = Focus attention, oblivious to distraction, concentrate until achieve goal. Leads to more enjoyment of life

Enjoyment & flow happens when challenges/goals match capacity/opportunities to act. Otherwise: <Boredom; >Anxiety

Challenge leads to growth, meaning, rejuvenation & health

People are more satisfied & happy when feel skillful & challenged; yet we still want more leisure time

Adversity can paralyze. Transform it into an enjoyable/meaningful challenge that's in your control

Knowing desires & working w/ purpose leads to inner harmony b/c feelings, thoughts & actions are congruent

1st reform self to change world

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The Pursuit Of Perfect... · 2 replies · +1 points

Alternative to pursuing maladaptive, idealist Perfectionism is "Optimalism" (i.e. adaptive, constrained perfectionism)

Optimalist embraces constraints of human nature rather than rejects
Failure happens
Optimistically find Benefits rather than Faults & turn setbacks into opportunities

Challenge self, Try frequently & Fail often -> Leads to growth, learning, maturation, resilience & eventually success

Active acceptance = recognize things as they are / CHOICE of worthy action / act in accordance w/ ideal self

Appreciate = to be thankful AND to increase in value -> Gratitude Grows Good in our lives

Optimalists accept facts & reality

Take breaks to prevent psychological injuries of emotional harm, lethargy, anxiety, depression

Recovery naturally w/o pills via breaks: 15min micro; 8hr mid; 3weeks macro

We react to our interpretations of events: Event -> Thought -> Emotion
Distorted thoughts pollute emotions
Change thoughts to change emotions

If not do unto others, don't do to self

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Think & Grow Rich By N... · 2 replies · +2 points

State of mind + Definite Purpose + Persistence + Burning Desire -> Material, Emotional & Spiritual Wealth

Claims of Impossibility assume you know all the rules & things which cannot be done

Keys to success are Burning Desire to win & eliminating retreat paths

We control our thoughts
Dominant thoughts are magnets that create plans to manifest our desires
Encourage positive emotions & discourage negative sentences

Self-confidence affirmation:
Have ability to achieve definite life purpose
Demand persistent action towards it
Promise to achieve it
Dominating thoughts are manifested into action & reality
Focus for 30min creating clear vision of who I intend to become

Persistently replace any failed plans w/ a new plan

Causes of failure -> Lack of well-defined purpose, ambition, self-discipline, concentration, enthusiasm, cooperation

Surround yourself w/ people & books that inspire you

Persistence is fueled by desires & defines your character

Walk the walk before you talk the talk

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - The 80/20 Principle By... · 2 replies · +1 points

20% efforts leads to 80% results.

80/20 ratio is found in many different places in nature & society.

20% of what we do leads to 80% of the results, & we waste 80% on low-impact outcomes
Work less by focusing on limited number of goals.

20% products OR 20% customers = 80% of sales.
Discover what 20% of effort yields best results & do more of that.

Know what you want, then aim for it.

Focus on what you find easy. Pursue things that you are amazingly better than others & that you enjoy the most.

Relationships define who we are & what we can become. Success can be traced back to pivotal relationships.
20% people = 80% of joy. Quality not quantity. Invest emotional energy deepening important relationships.

20% books = 80% content. Read intros & conclusions & jump around, not cover-to-cover.

20% eating = 80% health. Drink water, breakfast, fruits, veggies.

80/20 is about focusing your energy on the highest leverage activities. Cherish the 20% activities when you discover them.

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Overachievement By Joh... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Mark.
I'm not really making a checklist, but rather a digest. I'm trying to summarize each note in 1000 characters or less. It helps me to nail down the essence of each of the big ideas.

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Overachievement By Joh... · 3 replies · 0 points

Focus on the target & flow into a Trusting Mindset by doing what you've learned w/o questioning your abilities / skills. Training Mindset is filled w/ overthinking

Don't avoid pressure & edges via relaxing breath, welcome & flow into pressure & push through beyond edges

Welcome stress & nervous butterflies. Enjoy & make it work to our advantage

Fight/Flight response to pressure & nervousness allows body to operate efficiently at highest level of performance. Anxiety & worry is our mental interpretation of that state

Confidence is state of mind where you believe nothing is impossible

Positive Action is to act w/o thinking about how great it'll be. Exceptional thinkers trust & act

Be totally engaged in the moment by channeling stressing into a Super-Pilot mode, not autopilot flow

Let it happen w/o concern of results, criticism, doubt or judgment

Worldchangers are considered nuts till proven right, then geniuses

Best performers ignore odds & what's realistic to pursue big dreams

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Spiritual Liberation B... · 1 reply · +1 points

Good point.

It made me go back and re-watch and re-read where I got the digest of "Transcend ego & live from authentic self" to see if I had left anything out.

In the video you said, "Beckwith talks about how important it is that if we want to transcend the merely and purely egoic relationship to life and live from our authentic self -- our highest expression of ourselves -- we've got to have discipline."

So it looks like you were saying that we shouldn't have a 100% purely Egoic relationship to life, which is more nuanced.

But in the note, Beckwith says, "“The transition from the egoic self to the Authentic Self requires discipline..."

So I guess I interpreted his "transition from egoic self" to mean "transcend ego."

It sounds like what you're saying is that it's more of a shift of a center of gravity of pure ego, and to transcend the limitations of ego and include the broader aspects of the Authentic Self.

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Paulo Coelho — Day ... · 0 replies · +1 points

When your soul is stirred w/ heartfelt desire, then the Universe conspires to help manifest it. Nature wouldn't gives us a desire if we didn't have the ability to manifest it.

The FEAR of suffering is WORSE then suffering. Fear of failure only thing that blocks dreams.

No suffering in following your heart to dreams. Act on ideas to kill stagnation. Courage comes from heart. Move into fears to dissolve them.

Capability to live an extraordinary life is within all of us.

The Warrior of the Light sees failure & suffering, but never loses hope for self-improvement.

Falling from 3rd floor hurts as much from 100th so climb up, but build scaffolding along the way.

Scars are medals of evolution & trauma is fated for expansion

5 yrs from now you'll laugh at current stresses

Grave faults = disrespect rights, fear paralysis, guilt, victim, cowardice

Notice beauty of life

Harmlessly contradict stale opinions

If at 90% done, act like you're only 50% there

Live & Spirit will Live WITH you

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Secrets Of The Million... · 1 reply · +1 points

Play to win w/ commitment through short-term struggles.

Diligently, Persistently, Patiently, Playfully commit to being/achieveing/doing.

Accept current output, but nurture your roots to change tomorrow's fruits.

Use Declarations to set future intentions rather than saying dissonant Affirmations

Conditioned Programming leads to Thoughts -> Feelings -> Actions -> Results. Re-program w/ empowerment.

If want income to grow, we must grow.

NO to victim & powerless complaining. YES to Assuming Control.

Spiritual AND financial wealth are both important

Aim for the stars & settle for the moon

If you have a big problem, then grow your character & transform it into an opportunity.

Action always beats inaction.

Give blessings to your desires.

Either you AFFECT people w/ inspiration OR INFECT them w/ negativity.

If not willing to receive, then training others not to give to you.

Expand Comfort Zone to increase Wealth Zone -- Happiness comes from growth & living to full potential.

14 years ago @ FinerMinds - Ask And It Is Given by... · 0 replies · +1 points

Law of attraction = like attracts like. Tune into higher vibrations to receive matching signals back.

Victim-mentality & external locus of control leads to unhappiness. Be an empowered visionary who creates your meaning for resilient happiness.

Emotions are a fuel gauge for how connected to Source you are

22-pt Scale
1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation
2. Passion
3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4. Positive Expectation/Belief
5. Optimism
6. Hopefulness
7. Contentment
8. Boredom
9. Pessimism
10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11. "Overwhelment"
12. Disappointment
13. Doubt
14. Worry
15. Blame
16. Discouragement
17. Anger
18. Revenge
19. Hatred/Rage
20. Jealousy
21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

Nurture yourself up the scale, don't be self-critical.

"What do you want?" focuses on essence of intentions.

If you can imagine & script it, then Universe can provide resources for manifesting it.

Appreciation increases happiness.

Segment Intending is being conscious of desire moment-to-moment