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11 years ago @ ZIONICA.com - Mormons using Facebook... · 1 reply · +1 points

You are a fool!!!!

The god of moron Mormonism has sex with his wife/wives and takes craps in a holy toilet!!!

Show me one single verse from the Bible that confirms that steaming pile of horse manure!!!

Come on song, show me just one verse from the Bible!

11 years ago @ ZIONICA.com - Mormons using Facebook... · 0 replies · +1 points

Heavenly farther is not god. He is a child's fairy tale deity. He has nothing whatsoever to do with the one true God of the Bible.

11 years ago @ ZIONICA.com - Mormons using Facebook... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey DWood, in case your unaware your not in a Christian religion, your in a mind controlling cult called Mormonism. Which has about as much in common with Biblical Christianity as a lemon has in common with automobile.

You don't love Christ, because you don't know Christ. You think he is the spirit brother of lucifer. And you think they both have the same daddy.
And you believe that this heavenly daddy demands his followers to wear magical underwear.

Your so funny, and so pathetic, that it makes me laugh and cry at the same time.

Get a clue moron Mormon, and find the real God before its too late.

11 years ago @ ZIONICA.com - Mormons using Facebook... · 0 replies · +1 points

Trying to think of a name???

Why not answer these truths???

Are you afraid???

How do you know when a Mormon is lying??


You say you believe the Bible "so far as it is correctly translated"

Those are your words lying Mormon. You do not believe the Bible is ever "correctly" translated.
And further more, you act as if the translation of scripture has ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with trash moron doctrine.

Mormons do not believe the Bible, they reinterpret the Bible based on their own trash scriptures and you are told over and over that ANYTIME the Bible disagrees with your moron Mormon doctrine then that portion of the Bible is corrupted and the book of morons, or doctrine and covens, or the pearl of great harlotry, is where you should look for the "truth"

You offer lip service to the Bible, but when it comes down to it, your own trash takes preeminence over the Bible EVERYTIME!!!

Now speak again so everyone reading these posts can see your lies for what they are.

Tell me again how Mormons love the Bible, because you know and I know that the Bible means ABSOLUTELY nothing to Mormons. Except as a tool to deceive weak people into believing that Mormonism is a Christian religion.

Mormons are not Christians!!!

The god of Mormonism is NOT THE GOD OF THE BIBLE.

The God of the Bible affirms again and again that he is NOT A MAN..

The moron Mormon god says he is a man and that all men may become a god.

That is not the same God as what you find in the Bible.

The moron Mormon god has sex with heavenly mother/s who bear "spirit children" who become the souls in babies born on earth.

The God of the Bible does not have a wife, and does not need a wife to "create" the human soul.

The god of moron Mormonism says you must wear holy underwear, loving called "g's" by moron Mormons. If you don't wear them everyday then you will not become a god.
And they have special powers too.

The God of the Bible has never and will never require such stupidity of his followers.

Grow up for goodness sakes and recognize the VAST difference between these two beliefs.

11 years ago @ ZIONICA.com - Mormons using Facebook... · 0 replies · +1 points

Nope, most all southern churches allowed blacks to sit in the balcony, or just at the feet of their masters. And when these options were not available most plantation owners had preachers come and hold services for the slaves. So your wrong Truth, you know nothing, and you study nothing except what your moron Mormon elders tell you.

11 years ago @ ZIONICA.com - Mormons using Facebook... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hahahahahahahahhahahahhah, your false Jesus doesn't exist!
And your silly "heavenly father" can't even control his own children.
How could he possibly be able to be omnipotent??
He couldn't and he does not exist.

There is only one God, and he is only found in the Bible and his name is not "heavenly farther" .

You polytheistic, lying, deceived, fool, wake up!!!

11 years ago @ ZIONICA.com - Mormons using Facebook... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't have any hang ups about sex, and no it's not dirty, that must be you since you won't talk about your god having sex with his wife.

Let's let the readers of this thread decide whose arguments stand the test of maturity.
I am not frustrated in the least, I love showing how silly and foolish your moron Mormon faith is.

And still you offer no defense, I have shown over and over how ridiculous your church is and the best answer your can offer is this pablum???

What a joke you and your faith is,

But please keep running your silly mouth so I can publish more of the truth about your stupid faith.

11 years ago @ ZIONICA.com - Mormons using Facebook... · 0 replies · 0 points

Yep something terrible did happen, a blind fool Mormon woke up from a lifelong nightmare. And to you and all who are in your cult that is a very great tragedy.

Why do I want to live here???

Because it is the only country on earth that will allow morons like yourself to live in peace and prosperity.
And it will maybe continue to do so after we have had a lying moron Mormon president for four years.
But I'm not sure about that last part.

11 years ago @ ZIONICA.com - Mormons using Facebook... · 0 replies · +1 points

Don't do what? Ask about your false gods sexual appetites???

Surely they teach you about these things in your cult meetings.

Oh, wait I get it this is one of those forbidden subjects in your cult.

You can't talk about it to us apostate Christians, right???

And yet you wish to lie and tell the world that moron Mormons are Christians????

Talk about conflicted and convoluted logic, you really need a good therapist there DuhWoo.

11 years ago @ ZIONICA.com - Mormons using Facebook... · 2 replies · 0 points

I most assuredly was not a moron Mormon! But I do have some Mormon neighbors whom I have a modicum of respect for. As to the others you mentioned, I have no ill will towards any individual. I do have ill will towards mind control lying cults like Mormonism and mooslams, who are twin brothers in faiths.